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Prescott Microbiology (*0 версия) (фотокопия)

 автор А Willey,Sherwood,Woolverton

 Измененная цена А 180 Юань

 ISBNЧисло А 9787040498738

 вне  Версия  общество А Высшее образование пресса

 Дата публикации А 2018-07-01

 Версия А 1

 Количество страниц А 980

 Рамка А Оплата в мягкой обложке

  • Part One Introduction to Microbiology
  • 1 The Evolution of Microorganisms and Microbiology
  • Micro Focus:Over 4,000 Potential Planets Discovered
  • 1.1 Members of the Microbial World
  • 1.2 Microbes Have Evolved and Diversified for
  • Billions of Years
  • 1.3 Microbiology Advanced as New Tools for
  • Studying Microbes Were Developed
  • 1.4 Microbiology Encompasses Many Subdisciplines
  • 2 Microscopy
  • Micro Focus:
  • Anthrax Bioterrorism Attack 2001
  • 2.1 Lenses Create Images by Bending Light
  • 2.2 There Are Several Types of Light
  • Microscopes
  • 2.3 Staining Specimens Helps to Visualize and
  • Identify Microbes
  • 2.4 Electron Microscopes Use Beams of
  • Electrons to Create Highly Magnified Images
  • 2.5 Scanning Probe Microscopy Can Visualize
  • Molecules and Atoms
  • 3 Bacterial Cell Structure
  • Micro Focus: Hooking Up
  • 3.1 Use of the Term"Prokaryote" Is
  • Controversial
  • 3.2 Bacteria Are Diverse but Share Some
  • Common Features
  • 3.3 Bacterial Plasma Membranes Control
  • What Enters and Leaves the Cell
  • 3.4 There Are Two Main Types of
  • Bacterial Cell Walls
  • Microbial Diversity& Ecology 3.1
  • Gram Positive and Gram Negative or
  • Monoderms and Diderms?
  • 3.5 The Cell Envelope Often Includes Layers
  • Outside the Cell Wall
  • 3.6 The Bacterial Cytoplasm Is More
  • Complex than Once Thought
  • 3.7 Many Bacteria Have External Structures
  • Used for Attachment and Motility
  • 3.8 Bacteria Move in Response to
  • Environmental Conditions
  • 3.9 Bacterial Endospores Are a Survival
  • Strategy
  • 4 Archaeal CelIStructure
  • Micro Focus:
  • Cows and Buffaloes and Sheep,
  • Oh My!
  • 4.1 Archaea Are Diverse but Share Some
  • Common Features
  • 4.2 Six Major Types of Archaeal Cell
  • Envelopes Have Been identified
  • 4.3 Archaeal Cytoplasm Is Similar to
  • Bacterial Cytoplasm
  • 4.4 ManyArchaea Have External Structures
  • Used for Attachment and Motility
  • Microbial Diversity& Ecology 4.1
  • What's in a Name?
  • 4.5 Comparison of Bacteria and Archaea
  • 5 Eukaryotic Cell
  • Structure
  • Micro Focus: Red Means Dead
  • 5.1 Eukaryotic Cells Are Diverse but
  • Share Some Common Features
  • 5.2 Eukaryotic Cell Envelopes
  • 5.3 The Eukaryotic Cytoplasm Contains
  • a Complex Cytoskeleton and Many
  • Membranous Organelles
  • 5.4 Several Cytoplasmic Membranous
  • Organelles Function in the Secretory
  • and Endocytic Pathways
  • 5.5 The Nucleus and Ribosomes Are
  • Involved in Genetic Control of the Cell
  • 5.6 Mitochondria, Related Organelles, and
  • Chloroplasts Are Involved in Energy
  • Conservation
  • Microbial Diversity& Ecology 5.1
  • There Was an Old Woman Who
  • Swallowed a Fly
  • 5.7 Many Eukaryotic Microbes Have
  • External Structures Used for Motility
  • 5.8 Comparison of Bacterial, Archaeal,and Eukaryotic Cells
  • Part Two Microbial nutrition, growth, and control
  • Part Three Microbial metabolism
  • Part Four Microbial molecular biology and genetics
  • Part Five The diversity of the microbial world
  • Part Six Ecology and Symbiosis
  • Part Seven Pathogenicity and Host Response
  • Part Eight Microbial Diseases, Detection,and Their Control
  • Part Nine Applied Microbiology