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Advanced iOS Mega Bundle - 2019

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¥601 079руб.

Includes our eight best books to build your career as an advanced iOS and Swift developer:

Machine Learning by Tutorials

Want to know a secret? Machine learning isn't really that hard to learn. The truth is, you don't need a PhD from a prestigious university or a background in mathematics to do machine learning. If you already know how to code, you can pick up machine learning quite easily— promise!

This book will get you started with machine learning on iOS and Apple devices. The first bit is a gentle introduction to the world of machine learning and what it has to offer— as well as what its limitations are. In the rest of the book, you'll look at each of these topics in more detail, until you know enough to make machine learning a useful tool in your software development toolbox.

Advanced iOS App Architecture

Apps are becoming more complex, and development teams are being pressured to deliver faster results in the face of constantly changing requirements. Now, more than ever, you need to understand and apply good software architecture practices in your projects.

Advanced iOS App Architecture thoroughly explains multiple modern iOS architectures, and demonstrates their usage in real-world apps.

iOS Test-Driven Development

This book is for intermediate iOS developers who already know the basics of iOS and Swift development but want to learn how to write code which is both testable and maintainable. To start, you'll learn the TDD Cycle and how to implement these concepts within an iOS application. The book then takes you through Test Expressions and Expectation so that you can test synchronous code.

You'll then advance what you've learned so far by writing tests to verify networking endpoints and the ability to mock the returned results, followed by writing tests that run against authentication endpoints. Continue trouble-shooting your apps by understanding common legacy problems, as well as breaking dependencies into modules. And, finally, refactor large classes into smaller, more manageable classes and objects.

Note: This book is in Early Access. You’ll get advance access to the book while it’s in development, and you’ll get a free update to the complete digital edition of the book when it’s complete!

Estimated final release date: Fall 2019.

Concurrency by Tutorials

What is concurrency and why would you want to utilize it in your apps? Learn about Grand Central Dispatch, Apple's implementation of C's libdispatch, also known as GCD, as it's one of the simplest ways to queue up tasks to be run in parallel.

Then, take on operations and operation queues for when GCD doesn't quite cut it; you'll learn how to further customize and reuse your concurrent work. You'll then learn common concurrency problems that you could face while developing concurrent applications, such as Race Conditions, Deadlocks, and more. Finally, understand threads and thread sanitizer and the various threading-related concepts and how these connect to the knowledge you've accumulated throughout this book.

Note: This book is in Early Access. You’ll get advance access to the book while it’s in development, and you’ll get a free update to the complete digital edition of the book when it’s complete!

Estimated final release date: Fall 2019.

Advanced Apple Debugging& Reverse Engineering

In Advanced Apple Debugging and Reverse Engineering, you'll come to realize debugging is an enjoyable process to help you better understand software. Not only will you learn to find bugs faster, but you’ll also learn how other developers have solved problems similar to yours.

You'll also learn how to create custom, powerful debugging scripts that will help you quickly find the secrets behind any bit of code that piques your interest.

After reading this book, you'll have the tools and knowledge to answer even the most obscure question about your code— or someone else’s.


Realm finds the sweet spot between the simplicity of storing data as JSON on disk and using heavy, slow ORMs like Core Data or similar that are built on top of SQLite. The Realm Database aims to be fast, performant and provide the commodities that mobile developers need such as working with objects, type-safety, and native notifications. Realm Database has been under active development for several years. It powers apps by some of the biggest names in the App Store, including Adidas, Amazon, Nike, Starbucks, BBC, GoPro, Virgin, Cisco, Groupon, and many more who have chosen to develop their mobile apps with Realm.

In this book, you’ll take a deep dive into the Realm Database, learn how to set up your first Realm database, see how to persist and read data, find out how to perform migrations and more. In the last chapter of this book, you'll take a look at the synchronization features of Realm Cloud to perform real-time sync of your data across all devices.


This book is for iOS developers who already feel comfortable with iOS and Swift, and want to dive deep into development with RxSwift.

Start with an introduction to the reactive programming paradigm; learn about observers and observables, filtering and transforming operators, and how to work with the UI, and finish off by building a fully-featured app in RxSwift.

Push Notifications by Tutorials

Push notifications may seem simple and straightforward at first since almost everyone is familiar with them; however, knowing how and when to use them in practice can prove challenging.

With advancements in the latest iOS releases bringing advanced features, such as rich media notifications, notification actions, grouped notifications and more, you will quickly realize that you need a book to help you out. Well, here's that book!