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[Pre -Sale] Практическое руководство по компенсации компасов без подшипников (Classic Reprrring)

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Основная информация

наименование товара: Practical Guide for Compensation of Compasses Without Bearings (Classic Reprint)Издательство: LULU PRОпубликованная дата:2015-09-27
Автор:Collet, ColletПереводчик:формат:
Цены: 159.00Количество страниц:Индийский: 1
Номер ISBN:9781332239801Типы продукта:книгиВерсия:

Выбор редактора

Excerpt from Practical Guide for Compensation of Compasses Without Bearings
In his large book on the Mariner's Compass, published in 1881, Lieutenant Collet gave a very complete account both of the mathematical theory of the action of the compass in iron ships, and of the theory and practice of the best methods for fully compensating the disturbing influence of the ships iron. He has now followed up that most important work by a"Practical Guide" in which, without mathematical formulas, he gives clear and simple instructions for practically performing the processes which must be actually gone through by the adjuster and the navigator to correct the compass initially, and to keep it correct at sea, as accurately as the circumstances allow in practice. I have myself long felt that such a"Practical Guide" is greatly wanted. My own little pamphlet of"Instructions," which is supplied with my compass, is much too meagre an instalment towards the object. I therefore hailed with satisfaction the recent appearance, in French, of Lieutenant Collets Compass Guide, and I am very glad now, to see it rendered available to the British public in the present translation of it by Mr. W. Bottomley.
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