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[Pre-Sale] Книга Texans Texans Houston Texan

Цена: 2 500руб.    (¥139)
Артикул: 664800988932
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180 руб. (¥10)

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Основная информация

наименование товара: The Ultimate Houston Texans Trivia Book: A Collection of Amazing Trivia Quizzes and Fun Facts for Die-Hard Texans Fans!Издательство:НеопределенныйОпубликованная дата:2021-09-20
Автор:Walker, RayПереводчик:Длина, ширина, высота:9cm*6cm*0.29cm
Цены: 139.00Количество страниц:00134Индийский: 1
Номер ISBN:9781953563675Типы продукта:книгиВерсия:


Выбор редактора

Are you a die-hard Texans fan?

Now you surely will be with The Ultimate Houston Texans Trivia Book. If you want to know all the ins and outs (Every great football team has a few!) of one of the most famous NFL teams nowadays-this book is just for you.

With this ultimate Texans trivia book, you'll have a handle on what the Texans really mean to the city of Houston, and why NRG Stadium is a truly unique place to enjoy a National Football League game. You and your buddies will hear intriguing stories and quotes from the likes of former head coach Gary Kubiak, Bill O'Brien, and Matt Schaub.

What ultimate Houston Texans trivia will you score with this valuable book? Catch the answers to all these tricky trivia questions and tons more:

How many Wild Card wins, championships, and Super Bowl appearances have the Texans managed in their brief history?

Who was the infamous Houston Oiler owner who decided to relocate to Tennessee, despite Texas taxpayers shelling out big bucks for Astrodome improvements?

Which NFL and AFC South Division teams are Houston's biggest rivals, and why?

Dear Die-Hard Fan: your ultimate Houston Texans trivia book comes with 12 chapters chock-full of quiz questions, answer pages, and fun facts about your favorite team."Quiz Night" coming? Be ready! Have a blast with your trivia book all about the indomitable NFL franchise known as the Houston Texans.