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ЗаголовокАOn The Map: Why the world looks the way it does

авторАSimon Garfield

Название издательства:Profile Books

Опубликованная датаА2013



Размер товара:13 x 3 x 19 cm

Упаковка: Мягкая обложка

Количество страниц:468(Принимая фактический объект)

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'Maps fascinate us. They chart our understanding of the world and they log our progress, but above all they tell our stories. From the early sketches of philosophers and explorers through to Google Maps and beyond, Simon Garfield examines how maps both relate and realign our history.With a historical sweep ranging from Ptolemy to Twitter, Garfield explores the legendary, impassable (and non-existent) mountains of Kong, the role of cartography in combatting cholera, the 17th-century Dutch craze for Atlases, the Norse discovery of America, how a Venetian monk mapped the world from his cell and the Muppets' knack of instant map-travel. Along the way are pocket maps of dragons, Mars, murders and more, with plenty of illustrations and prints to signpost the route.From the bestselling and widely-adored author of Just My Type, On The Map is a witty and irrepressible examination of where we've been, how we got there and where we're going.

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Simon Garfield

British writer Simon Garfield is the author or editor of more than 20 books of non-fiction, including the international bestsellers Just My Type, On The Map and Mauve. His latest book is All The Knowledge In The World: The Extraordinary History Of The Encyclopaedia.


His other titles cover an appealingly diverse and unpredictable array of subjects, ranging from the award-winning history of Aids in Britain, The End of Innocence, to the hilarious oral histories of British Wrestling and Radio 1. His celebration of letter writing, To The Letter, was one of the inspirations for the theatre show Letters Live with Benedict Cumberbatch, and spawned the BBC play My Dear Bessie with Cumberbatch and Louise Brealey.


His other labour of love is A Notable Woman, the edited lifetime journals of the remarkable Jean Lucey Pratt, whom readers first met (when she was named Maggie Joy Blunt) in Garfield's three popular collections of diaries from the Mass Observation Archive. Jean began her journal in 1925 when she was 15, and maintained it until a few weeks before her death in 1986. Throughout she wrote lyrically, comically and honestly about her world and her friends (and particularly well about the disappointments of men). She trained as a journalist and an architect, and ran a bookshop In Burnham Beeches for 20 years. Jean wrote well over a million words, and A Notable Woman, which contains about a quarter of her output, fulfils her long-standing dream that her writing would one day make it into print.


Much of Garfield's work reflects a desire to reinterpret human history in an unusual and addictively readable way, and to look askance at topics we may often take for granted. To this end, Timekeepers examines the history of our ever-accelerating world, and In Miniature looks at our desire to bring that world down to size so that we may better understand it.


His latest book is a history of a remarkable thing, the attempt to gather all the knowledge in the world in one place. The story begins in France in the 18th century, soon switches to Edinburgh (The Britannica), and, inevitably, ends up online with Wikipedia. The chapters cover the dedicated and obsessive men and women who edited and wrote these most ambitious of publishing enterprises, the sometimes brilliant but often inaccurate and outmoded articles they produced, and the underhand practices of the encyclopaedia salesman. It explains how Wikipedia is edited today, and examines how such diverse bedfellows as Arthur Conan Doyle, HG Wells, Monty Python and Taylor Swift have celebrated the encyclopaedia over the centuries. And it asks what one should do with an old set of encyclopaedias today, now that we can get almost all the information we need from our phones.


Simon Garfield was born in London in 1960. He lives with his wife Justine near Hampstead Heath in London, and sometimes in St Ives, Cornwall. His favourite typeface is Albertus and his favourite football club is Chelsea. He enjoys reading most things by Tracy Kidder, Ann Patchett, Elizabeth Strout, Nicholson Baker, Michael Chabon, Simon Armitage, and is seldom disappointed by the The Kills, The National, Elvis Costello or Lucy Dacus.

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'Every so often someone writes a book about an obscure subject and uses it to illuminate the rest of the world ... this is one of the best' William Leith, Evening Standard

'After being walked through these stories, it's difficult to even look at a cereal packet in the same way again' Observer

'This is a smart, funny, accessible book that does for typography what Truss's Eats, Shoots& Leaves did for punctuation' New York Times

'There couldn't be anyone better to write about our love of maps than Simon Garfield, who is a master at unearthing strange facts and mixing them with a lively personal narrative . . . fascinating' Giles Foden, Condé Nast Traveller

'Garfield has a genius for being sparked to life by esoteric enthusiasm and charming readers with his delight' Iain Finlayson, Times

'A rollicking sweep through map history, packed with curiosities and written with verve . . . On the Map will inspire you to take a trip to somewhere new, buy an antique globe to chart the rise and fall of empires, or just dig out a tatty orange Ordnance Survey Explorer map and let its filigree of contour lines evoke a long-forgotten walk in the rain . . . a great book' Independent on Sunday

'A stunning celebration of the cartographic. As one of the UK's leading contemporary polymaths, Garfield's always a joy to read for his gossamer-light show of rigorous learning, his shed-dweller precision in research and his infectious glee in passing on the golden nugget of fact' Monocle

'Garfield's genial prose twinkles with the delight of discovery' Wanderlust

'A pub quizzer's dream . . . Rather than over-romanticise the experience of map-reading, Garfield allows his varied, expertly researched stories to speak for themselves, and in so doing helps us see that there are fewer things in life more useful, rewarding and beautiful than a map that does what it's supposed to' Daily Telegraph

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