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Развитие человеческих ресурсов An/Fang Pengzheng

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Основная информация

Название: Разработка человеческих ресурсов и исследования институциональных исследований дизайна (английская версия)

Оригинальные цены на книги: 78 Юань

Цена: 62,40 юань,

Автор: клык Пенгжэн

Пресса: Science Press

Дата публикации: 1 июня 2013 г.

ISBN: 9787030378316


Номер страницы: 200

Издание: издание 1


Книга: 5

Вес товара: 340 г

Резюме: нет соответствующего контента

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«Исследования по развитию человеческих ресурсов и институционального дизайна (английская версия)» китайского городского общественного здравоохранения (английская версия) было опубликовано Пекинкой Science Press.


Chapter 1 Analysis of Community Residents'CHS Needs and Utilization
1.1 Survey on the Residents'Health Service Demands and Utilization of Pilot Regions
1.2 Community Residents'Mental Health Needs and the Attitude Condition of Pilot Regions
Chapter 2 Study on Human Resources Allocation Standards in CHS Institutions
2.1 The Results of HRCH Allocation Standard Estimate in Previous Research
2.2 The Characteristics of Experts
2.3 The Expert Consultation Results About the HR Allocation
2.4 Australian Experience on HRH Allocation and Planning
Chapter 3 Analysis of Human Resources Management System in CHS Institutions
3.1 Introduction of Human Resources Management System of CHS Institutions in China
3.2 Analysis of Human Resources Management System of CHS Institutions in Urban Areas
3.3 Australian CHS Human Resources Management System and the Contrastive Analysis with Domestic Situation
3.4 The Problems and Evaluation of Human Resources Management System of the CHS Institution in Urban Areas
Chapter 4 Evaluation of Development Strategies of Human Resources Capacity Building in CHS Institutions
4.1 Status Survey and Strategy Development for Workforce Capacity Building in CHS Institutions
4.2 Main Findings of the Investigation
4.3 Related Policies and Measures of the Human Resources Management in the CHS institutions at Different Investigative Places
4.4 The Influence of the Human Resources Management Policies and Measures of the CHS Institutions on Human Resources Management in the CHS Institutions in the Regions Surveyed
4.5 The Reference of the Human Resources Development Strategies in Town Health Centers Surveyed to the CHS Institutions
4.6 The Reference of the Human Resources Development Strategies in County-Level Hospitals Surveyed to the CHS Institutions
4.7 The Human Resources Development Strategies of the CHS Institutions in Australia
4.8 The Comparison of the Human Resources Development Strategies of the CHS Institutions in Australia with the Strategies in China
4.9 The Framework of the Urban Community Health Human Resources'Training
Chapter 5 Analysis of Contributing Factors of Human Resources Capacity Building and Stability in CHS Institutions
5.1 Personnel Stability of Urban CHS Institutions
5.2 The Satisfaction Analysis of the Personnel in the CHS Institutions
5.3 Analysis of Factors Influencing Personnel Stability of Urban CHS Institutions
5.4 Analysis of Factors Affecting Personnel Capacity Building
5.5 Management Mechanism of Personnel Stability of the Urban CHS Institutions
Chapter 6 Research on the Performance Appraisal of Human Resources in CHS Institutions
6.1 The Status of the Community Personnel Performance Assessment
6.2 The Purpose of Community Personnel Performance Appraisals
6.3 The Design Ideas of Community Personnel Performance Appraisals
6.4 Performance Appraisal Contents and the Index System
6.5 Conclusions
Chapter 7 Study on Payment Systems in CHS Institutions
7.1 Status Survey for the Compensation System in CHS Institutions in Urban Areas in China
7.2 Analysis of the Current CHS Salary System Problems
7.3 The Structure Frame Study of CHS Compensation System
7.4 Study of CHS Primary Compensation System
Chapter 8 Study on the System Framework of Human Resources Development in CHS Institutions
8.1 Supply Strategies on Human Resources
8.2 Education and Training Strategies on Human Resources
8.3 Incentive Strategies of Human Resources

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Some Suggestions for Developing CHS in Urban Areas issued by theMinistry of Health, the State Planning Commission, the Ministry ofEducation, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, theMinistry of Personnel and so on--total ten departments in 1999, andState Council's Guiding Suggestions on the CHS Development issued in2006 defined the status and responsibilities of each government department.
The Health Department--the leading department was responsiblefor the construction and management of CHS. It should set updevelopment planning, access standard and management regulations,formulate community public health services, and strengthen themanagement and supervision of CHS. According to the governmentregulations, on-the-job training and continuing education of theemployees of CHS institutions should be organized.
The Commission Office--the producing services department was theleading department to research and formulate the staffing standard of CHSinstitutions.
The Development and Reform Department was responsible formaking the CHS system incorporated into regional health planning andsocial development of the overall planning.
The Financial Department was responsible for making financialsubvention policies and financial revenue/expenditure management for CHS.
The Education Department was responsible for the education of GPsand community nursing education, and making the CHS technique as animportant part of medical education.
The Labour and Social Security Department was responsible fortaking clinic contents of CHS which meet the medical insurancerequirement into the medical insurance system, and encouraging insuredpersonnel to take advantage of CHS institutions to diagnose and givetreatment for common diseases and chronic diseases.

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