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Отоларингология Отоларингологическая наука омин, горло и горло, диагностика шейки матки, серия реформ медицинского образования.

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Название: Отоларингология

Цена: 28,60 Юань

ISBN: 9787040445718

Время публикации: 20160501

Пресса: пресса высшего образования


Введение. JPG

«Ardivory учебники) (English Edition) (English Edition) - один из учебников по реформе медицинского образования.В книге есть 34 главы. Основное содержание этой книги включает диагноз и лечение заболевания головы и шеи, связанной анатомии и физиологических знаний; Заболевания; общая хирургия; общая операция по поводу хирургических показаний, табу и хирургических методов.


Каталог. JPG

Chapter 1 Overview
1.1 Otology
1.2 Rhilogy
1.3 Pharyngology and Laryngology
1.4 Head and Neck Surgery
Chapter 2 Anatomy of the se and Paranasal Sinuses
2.1 Eternal se
2.2 Nasal Cavity
2.3 Paranasal Sinuses
2.4 Nasal Mucous Membrane
2.5 Nerve Supply of the se
2.6 Blood Supply of the se
2.7 Lymphatics
Chapter 3 se Eamination and Symptoms
3.1 General Eamination
3.2 Special Eamination
3.3 Nasal Symptoms
Chapter 4 Nasal Trauma and Epistais
4.1 Nasal Fracture
4.2 Epistais
Chapter 5 Inflammatory Diseases of Nasal Cavity and Sinuses
5.1 Rhisinusitis
5.2 Allergic Rhinitis
5.3 Other Rhinitis
Chapter 6 Tumor of the Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses
6.1 Clinical Presentation
6.2 Diagsis
6.3 Treatment
Chapter 7 Anatomy and Physiology of the Pharyn
7.1 Anatomy
7.2 Physiology
Pharyngeal Symptoms and Eaminations
8.1 Pharyngeal Symptoms
8.2 Pharyngeal Eaminations
Chapter 9 Tonsillitis
9.1 Causes
9.2 Symptoms
9.3 Differential Diagsis
9.4 Complications
9.5 Treatment
Chapter 10 Pharyngitis and Adeiditis
10.1 Pharyngitis
10.2 Adeiditis
Chapter 11 Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Syndrome
11.1 Etiology and Pathophysiology
11.2 Manifestations
11.3 Diagsis
11.4 Treatment
Chapter 12 Nasopharyngeal Carcima
12.1 Symptoms and Signs
12.2 Radiological Eaminations
12.3 Biopsy
12.4 Hisathology
12.5 Diagsis
12.6 Treatment
12.7 Follow-up
Chapter 13 Anatomy and Physiology of the Laryn
13.1 Anatomy of the Laryn
13.2 Physiology of the Laryn
Chapter 14 Symptomatology and Eamination of Laryn
14.1 Symptomatology
14.2 Eaminations
Chapter 15 Overview of Laryngeal Diseases
15.1 Congenital Laryngeal Disease
15.2 Acquired Laryngeal Disease
Chapter 16 Acute Inflammatory Disease of Laryn
16.1 Acute Epiglottitis
16.2 Acute Laryngitis
16.3 Acute Laryngitis in Children
16.4 Acute Laryngotracheobronchitis
Chapter 17 Chronic Laryngeal n-specific Inflammatory Disease
17.1 Chronic Laryngitis
17.2 Vocal Cord dules
17.3 Vocal Fold Polyps
17.4 Reinke's Edema
17.5 Arthritis of the Laryn
Chapter 18 Laryngeal Paralysis
18.1 Causes of the Disease
18.2 Clinical Manifestations
18.3 Treatment
Chapter 19 Tumors of Laryn
19.1 Benign Neoplasms of the Laryn Papillomas
19.2 Laryngeal Cancer
Chapter 20 Laryngeal Obstruction
20.1 Etiology
20.2 Clinical Manifestations
20.3 Degree of Dyspnea
20.4 Diagsis
20.5 Treatment
Chapter 21 Anatomy of the Head and Neck
21.1 Head
21.2 Face
21.3 Neck
21.4 Neck Mass
Chapter 22 Bronchoesophagology
22.1 Bronchology
22.2 Esophoagology
22.3 Bronchoesophageal Diseases
Chapter 23 Anatomy and Physiology of the Ear
23.1 Anatomy of the Ear
23.2 Physiology of the Ear
23.3 Anatomy of Facial Nerve in the Temporal Bone
Chapter 24 Deafness and Audiology
24.1 Incidence of Hearing Loss
24.2 Type, Degree, and Configuration of Hearing Loss and Treatment Overview
24.3 Basic Audiological Test Battery
24.4 Intervention for Hearing Loss:Amplification and Surgical Implants
24.5 Aural Rehabilitation
Chapter 25 Vertigo
25.1 Central Vertigo
25.2 Peripheral Vertigo
25.3 Progsis of Vertigo
Chapter 26 Tinnitus
26.1 Objective Tinnitus
26.2 Subjective Tinnitus
Chapter 27 Eamination of Ear
27.1 Case History
27.2 Ear Inspection
27.3 Audiological Eaminations
Chapter 28 Diseases of the Eternal Ear
28.1 Pseudocyst of Auricle
28.2 Suppurative Perichondritis of Auricle
28.3 Impacted Cerumen
28.4 Localized Otitis Eterna
28.5 Diffuse Eternal Otitis
Chapter 29 Otitis Media and Its Complications
29.1 Secretory Otitis Media
29.2 Acute Suppurative Otitis Media
29.3 Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media
29.4 Intracranial Complications of Acute Otitis Media and Chronic Otitis Media
Chapter 30 Inner Ear Diseases
30.1 Sensorineural Hearing Loss
30.2 Ototoicity
30.3 ise-induced Hearing Loss and Acoustic Trauma
30.4 Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease
30.5 Meniere's Disease
30.6 Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss
30.7 Presbycusis
30.8 Benign Paroysmal Positional Vertigo
30.9 Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder
Chapter 31 Lateral Skull Base Tumor
31.1 Anatomy
31.2 Evaluation
31.3 Diagstic Testing
31.4 Trearment
Chapter 32 Facial Palsy
32.1 Bell's Palsy
32.2 Facial Palsy Resulting from Other Causes
Chapter 33 A Brief Introduction of Inner Ear Gene Therapy for Hearing Loss
33.1 Vectors for Gene Transfer
33.2 Means of Delivery
33.3 Applications of Inner Ear Gene Therapy
33.4 Limitations and Future Directions
Chapter 34 Artificial Hearing
34.1 Hearing Aids
84.2 Middle Ear Implants
34.3 Bone Anchored Hearing Aids
34.4 Cochlear Implants
34.5 Auditory Brainstem Implants and Auditory Midbrain Implants