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Сестринский английский  
Ценообразование 33.00
ИздательПресса для здоровья людей
Версия 1
Опубликованная датаСентябрь 2015
формат 16
авторZhu Hongmei bi Siangqun, редактор -ин -хиф
УкраситьОплата в мягкой обложке
Количество страницСтраницы 180
Число слов355 тысяч слов
Кодирование ISBN 9787117209939



Unit 1 Patient Admission
Part I Listening and speaking
Dialogue 1 Orienting the Patient to the Ward
Dialogue 2 Taking a Patient's History
Passage 1 A Hospital Receptionist
Passage 2 Types of Hospital Admission
Part II Reading
A. Hospital
B. Vital Signs
C. Pulse
Part III Medical terminology
Formation of Medical Terminology
Part IV Writing
Admission Note
Unit 2 Medications
Part I Listening and speaking
Dialogue 1 Penicillin Allergy Test
Dialogue 2 Patient Education about Medications
Passage 1 Administration of Medication
Passage 2 Pharmacy Online
Part II Reading
A. Aspirin
B. The Pros and Cons of Antibiotics
C. Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine
Part II Medical terminology
Topic-related Terms
Part 1V Writing
Medication Direction
Unit 3 Intravenous Infusion
Part I Listening and speaking
Dialogue 1 Checking an IV Fluid
Dialogue 2 Starting an Intravenous Infusion
Passage 1 Infusion Pump
Passage 2 Assessing during Infusion
Part II Reading
A. Intravenous Infusion
B. Over Treatment Problem
C. Complication of Intravenous Therapy -- Fever
Part III Medical terminology
Plurals of Medical Terms
Part IV Writing
Nursing Care Plan
Unit 4 Specimen Collection
Part I Listening and speaking
Dialogue 1 Blood Sugar Test
Dialogue 2 Collecting the Urine Sample
Passage 1 Laboratory Tests
Passage 2 Getting a Midstream Urine (MSU) Specimen
Part II Reading
A. Renal Disease
B. Urinalysis 
C. Nursing Diagnosis
Part llI Medical terminology
Topic-related Terms
Part IV Writing
Pathology Report ..
Unit 5 Safety& Infection Control
Part I Listening and speaking
Dialogue 1 Nosocomial Infection
Dialogue 2 Health Education for a Tuberculosis Patient"
Passage 1 Chain of Infection
Passage 2 Handwashing
Part II Reading
A. Standard Precaution
B. Things You Need to Know about H7N9
C. Sharps Safety
Part II Medical terminology
Topic-related Terms
Part IV Writing
Unit 6 Perioperative Care
Part I Listening and speaking
Dialogue 1 Preoperative Checks
Dialogue 2 Postoperative Care
Passage 1 Postoperative Teaching Plan
Passage 2 Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercises
Part II Reading
A. A Nurse in the Surgical Unit
B. Pain Scales
C. Nursing Documentation 
Part IU Medical terminology
Topic-related Terms
Part IV Writing
Nurse's Notes
Unit 7 Maternal-infant Care
Part I Listening and speaking
Dialogue 1 Checkups for Pregnant Woman
Dialogue 2 How to Breasffeed a Baby?
Passage 1 Maternal Health
Passage 2 Prenatal Care
Part II Reading ,
A. Midwife
B. Why Breasffeeding?
C. Take Baby's Temperature
Part III Medical terminology
Topic-related Terms
Part 1V Writing
Unit 8 Pediatric Care
Part I Listening and speaking
Dialogue 1 Nursing Care for a Child'with Diarrhea
Dialogue 2 Care for a Child with Pneumonia
Passage 1 Pneumonia
Passage 2 Making a Medical Emergency Call
Part II Reading
A. Rickets
B. Asthma
C. Five Home Safety Tips for Kids
Part IU Medical terminology
Topic-related Words and Phrases
Part IV Writing
Graduation Certificate
Unit 9 Psychological Care
Part I Listening and speaking
Dialogue 1 Caring for a Patient with Anxiety
Dialogue 2 Talking about Depression
Passage 1 Music Therapy and Teens' Mental Health
Passage 2 How is Depression Diagnosed and Treated?
Part II Reading
A. Some Relaxation Techniques that Relieve Stress Quickly 
B. How Can I Help a Loved One Who is Depressed?
C. Important Interpersonal Skills for a Mental Health Nurse
Part III Medical terminology
Topic-related Terms
Part 1V Writing
Unit 10 Geriatric Care
Part I Listening and speaking
Dialogue 1 My Father Gets Injured 
Dialogue 2 I am not Quite Well
Passage 1 The First PatientDiagnosed with Alzheimer Disease
Passage 2 Aging
Part ]I Reading
A. Helping a Frail Patient with Meals
B. Dementia Care
C.Health Warning Signs in Elderly, People
Part III Medical terminology
Topic-related Terms
Part IV Writing
Invitation Letter
Unit 11 First Aid Care
Part I Listening and speaking
Dialogue 1 About First Aid and First Aid Responders
Dialogue 2 A Severe Bleeding Cat
Passage 1 Recognizing an Emergency
Passage 2 About First Aid Responders
Part II Reading
A. Drowning
B. Choking
C. Cardiac Arrest
Part ]]I Medical terminology
Topic-related Words and Phrases
Part IV Writing
Medical Certificate
Unit 12 Hospital Discharge Guides 
Part I Listening and speaking
Dialogue 1 Instruction about Diet and Medication 
Dialogue 2 Discharge
Passage 1 Nurses as Discharge Planners
Passage 2 Information about New Medications
Part 11 Reading 
A. Discharge Planning Guide for Nurses
B. Eating White Rice Increases the Risk of Diabetes 
C. Discharge Summary
Part III Medical terminology
Topic-related Terms
Part IV Writing
Discharge Guidance

краткое введение

Медсестры) или американские экзамены CGFNS и учащиеся, которые заинтересованы в работе с медсестрами за границей.
Учебник руководствуется особым использованием английской теории, а национальный национальный экзамен на уровне английского языка является стандартом для моделирования реальной сцены сестринского дела.该教材从常见的医护话题入手 , 体现了当今流行的护理理念 内容覆盖入院、药物、静脉输液、标本采集、感染控制、围术期护理、母婴护理、儿科护理、心理护理、老年护理、 Первая неотложная помощь и руководство по увольнению 12 единиц.