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Amron 2810E Diving Thephone Heavy Dive Helme Intercom, Divers Underwater Communication Device

Цена: 150 280руб.    (¥8500)
Артикул: 549121820360

Вес товара: ~0.7 кг. Указан усредненный вес, который может отличаться от фактического. Не включен в цену, оплачивается при получении.

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Single volume control for both divers
Both divers can be set up on 4-Wire Mode or 2-Wire Mode or any combination of the two modes
Ability to use both dynamic and pre-amplified diver microphones with a unique circuit that detects microphone type and automatically adjusts volume levels
The divers' connections consist of cross-talk and separate speaker and microphone inputs
Weatherproof panel microphone for greater voice intelligibility
Communicator can be left on charge indefinitely without damage to the batteries or communicator (/23 and /24 versions only)
Communicator can be operated directly from the charger where AC power is available (/23 and /24 versions only)