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Breaking the Word Barrier

Автор: нет
Издательство: Goose Lane Editions (24 сентября 2009 г.)
Страница: 130 страниц
Английский язык
ISBN: 9780864925473
Штриховой код: 9780864925473
Вес товара: 190,00G
Размер товара: 21,50 см * 15,20см * 0,80см

Рекомендация контента
In this compelling collection of first-person stories, adults who have made outstanding achievements in adult literacy were paired with writers to tell of their transition to reading. These are people who have had the courage to overcome the barrier of words to break into a broader sense of themselves, to feel more empowered in the world. Courageous, too, is the very sharing of these stories, in which private moments are opened wide with the hope that others will take the same steps. Whether confronting undiagnosed dyslexia, a Canadian Tire store manager to ensure Christmas for a child, written tests for the military, certification exams, or jumping from an airplane, these people are heroes.