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Product Details Информация о продукте
Ean ward code:
Название названияА
Badge on Campus
Автор автор:
Floyd W Gill
Издательство издательства:
Advanced Publishing LLC
Язык языка:
Book Descriptionкраткое введение

Table of Contents:


Badge on Campus contains the recollections of Floyd W. Gill while he was assigned to the Castro Valley Unified School District and the Dublin Unified School District as a School Resource Officer. Floyd changed the course of many young lives with his caring and tough love. He always went the extra mile to help students make better choices and become better citizens. Topics in the book include cyber bullying, date rape, alcohol and drug use, internet security, sexual identity and gangs. This book offers an awareness of the problems that today's youth face and is be a must read for every student and parent. It is also a teaching tool and reference for teachers, school administrators, and law enforcement.

The author was honored with the Castro Valley Friend of Education Award in 1995; the Tri Valley Friend of Education Award in 1998; the Dublin Friend of Education Award in 2005, and the Police Officer of the Year Award in 1992, 1993, 2001 and 2009. Floyd Gill is also the author ofThe Misadventures of Nick, published by ALIVE Book Publishing, in 2015.