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Until He takes a wife: The story of a Soldier and the women in his life.

Автор: Меллен, Сильвия
Издательство: независимая издательская платформа CreateSpace (25 февраля 2013 г.)
Страница: страница 172
Английский язык
ISBN: 9781479261475
Штриховой код: 9781479261475
Вес товара: 190,00G
Размер товара: 20,29 см * 13,31см * 0,94 см.

Выбор редактора
The most important two people in a man's life are his wife and his mother. What happens when there is a power struggle between them. Sylvia Mellen's book explores the complexity of emotions and events that ensue when two women are locked into conflict - creating a storm into which all those around them are sucked, and which leads to a deep realisation of painful choices at its climax.

Biographical Note
Sylvia Mellen was born in post WWII Britain and struggled to overcome a series of tragedies to find an Academic career, and succeed over adversity. She has children and and grandchildren, and moves away from Academic writing to this her first novel. She lives in the Midlands of England around the river Trent, and is a musician and singer as well as a writer.