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Зарубежное время заказа для обучения: 10 главных причин, почему перевернуть классную комнату может изменить время обучения образованию: почему перевернуть классную комнату может быть доступна

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Time for Learning: Top 10 Reasons Why Flipping the Classroom Can Change Education

Автор: Фултон, Кэтлин П. Л.
Издательство: публицисты Corwin (4 июня 2014 г.)
Страница: с. 192
Английский язык
ISBN: 9781483332819
Штриховой код: 9781483332819
Вес товара: 310,00G
Размер товара: 22,76 см * 15,62 см * 1,19 см.

Выбор редактора

The guide school leaders need to reap the rewards of education's most exciting new trend

Flipping classrooms--using class time for hands-on learning and off loading the lecture portion of lessons as homework--is taking schools by storm. This book makes the case to educational leaders for the benefits of flipping. Backed by powerful data and anecdotes, topics include:

  • Data on positive student outcomes in terms of achievement and motivation
  • How flipping gives teachers more time to work with students one-on-one and encourage peer learning
  • How flipping engages students in 21st century skills
  • Ways flipping is budget and resource-friendly

об авторе
Fulton, Kathleen P. L.: -

Kathleen Fulton is a writer and education consultant specializing in teaching quality and technology. She served as Director, Reinventing Schools for the 21st Century, at the National Commission on Teaching and America's Future (NCTAF) for ten years. Before joining NCTAF, Ms. Fulton was Project Director for the Congressional Web-based Education Commission and lead author of their reportThe Power of the Internet for Learning. She spent four years as Associate Director of the Center for Learning and Educational Technology at the University of Maryland, and worked for ten years as a policy analyst for the U.S. Congressional Office of Technology Assessment (OTA). At OTA she was the Project Director responsible for several major education reports, includingEducation and Technology: Future Visions, andTeachers and Technology: Making the Connection.

Since her retirement from NCTAF, Fulton has been consulting with a range of clients, including the State Education Technology Directors Association, the U.S. Department of State, the University of Colorado at Denver, the National Council of Teachers of English, and the Byron School District in Minnesota. Her current work focuses on"flipped classrooms" and she has written articles on this topic published in thePhi Delta Kappan,T.H.E. Journal,Learning and Leading with Technology, andSchool Administrator. She graduated from Smith College with a BA in English, and received a Master of Arts in Human Development from the University of Maryland. Fulton lives in Takoma Park, Maryland with her husband Harry Fulton and has two grown children, Rebecca and Jeffrey, and four amazing grandchildren.

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