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Зарубежный Люсийский Зевс Трагедиан: промежуточный греческий читатель: греческий текст с Ранни Люсиан «Трагедия Зевс: Промежуточная Греция: Промежуточная Греция

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Lucian's Zeus the Tragedian: An Intermediate Greek Reader: Greek Text with Running Vocabulary and Commentary

Автор: Нимис, Стивен А.
Издательство: Faenum Publishing, Ltd.
Страница: 140 страниц
Английский язык
ISBN: 9781940997803
Шатрикод: 9781940997803
Вес товара: 200,00G
Размер товара: 22,86 см * 15,24 см * 0,76 см.

Выбор редактора
The aim of this book is to make Zeus the Tragedian by Lucian of Samosata (c. 120 -190 CE) accessible to intermediate students of Ancient Greek. The running vocabulary and grammatical commentary are meant to provide everything necessary to read each page, so that readers can progress through the text, improving their knowledge of Greek while enjoying one of the most entertaining authors of antiquity. In Zeus the Tragedian Lucian weaves an amusing dialogue out of a whole range of literary genres and styles, making full use of his impressive mastery of classical literature and language.