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Зарубежные камеры для детей: веселые и недорогие проекты для маленькой фотографии.

Цена: 3 309руб.    (¥184)
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Cameras for Kids: Fun and Inexpensive Projects for the Little Photographer

Автор: Криппен, Джон
Издательство: независимая издательская платформа CreateSpace (29 августа 2009 г.)
Страница: с. 74
Английский язык
ISBN: 9781449502355
Штриховой код: 9781449502355
Товарный вес: 170,00G
Размер товара: 25,40 см * 20,29 см * 0,48 см.

Выбор редактора
Cameras for kids is a fun filled book full of projects for young children. The projects are fun, simple and inexpensive to create. The book was made to stimulate art and creativity at an early age. Most of the supplies can be picked up a places such as the dollar store. Kids do not need computer knowledge as long as parents can print the photos for the projects. Quite possible the best book for teaching children digital photography Web support for teachers, parents, and children is also available for this book at www.camerasforkids.info * Children can learn about animals, science, and nature, too.

Biographical Note
John Crippen is a published author with 6 books prior to camera for kids. He is an active advocate for kids, nature, and wildlife. His photography is noted in several books and journals as well as galleries and the California Central Coast. He also holds a degree in Psych and has also taken classes in Early Child Developement. John has also worked with the Developementally Disabled and enjoys being an educator. He also does in-school presentions for children in his spare time to share his passion and inspire the next generation of photographers