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The Oxford Essential Guide to Writing

Автор: Томас С. Кейн 

Издательство: Беркли; переиздание (1 июля 2000 г.)

Название серии: библиотека основных ресурсов

Упрощение: 464 страницы

Английский язык

ISBN: 0425176401

Штриховой код: 9780425176405

Размер товара: 10,7 х 2,5 х 17,5 см

Товарный вес: 222 g

краткое введение

This essential resource helps all writers organize, shape, and complete their work while expressing their ideas creatively and clearly. Rules of style and technique are covered, with examples of expert prose from the masters. An Appendix covers punctuation and grammar.

об авторе

Thomas Kane was formerly Professor of English at the University of Connecticut at Waterbury, where he taught writing for over twenty-five years. He co-edited The Short Story and the Reader and Writing Prose, Sixth Edition, both with Leonard J. Peters, and wrote The Oxford Guide to Writing.


The Oxford Essential Guide to WritingIntroduction

1. Subject, Reader, and Kinds of Writing

2. Strategy and Style

3. Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics

Part I: The Writing Process

4. Looking for Subjects

5. Exploring for Topics

6. Making a Plan

7. Drafts and Revisions

Part II: The Essay

8. Beginning

9. Closing

10. Organizing the Middle

11. Point of View, Persona, and Tone

Part III: The Expository Paragraph

12. Basic Structure

13. Paragraph Unity

14. Paragraph Development: (1)Illustration and Restatement

15. Paragraph Development: (2)Comparison, Contrast, and Analogy

16. Paragraph Development: (3)Cause and Effect

17. Paragraph Development: (4)Definition, Analysis, and Qualification

Part IV: The Sentence

18. The Sentence: A Definition

19. Sentence Styles

20. The Well-Written Sentence: (1)Concision

21. The Well-Written Sentence: (2)Emphasis

22. The Well-Written Sentence: (3)Rhythm

23. The Well-Written Sentence: (4)Variety

Part V: Diction

24. Meaning

25. Clarity and Simplicity

26. Concision

27. Figurative Language

28. Unusual Language

29. Improving Your Vocabulary: Dictionaries

Part VI: Description and Narration

30. Description

31. Narration

Part VII: Puntcuation


32. Stops

33. The Other Steps

Name Index

Subject Index