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[Pre -Sale on Demand Print] Приключение Tide Pool

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Product Details Информация о продукте
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Название названияА
Tide Pool Adventure
Автор автор:
Jennifer Suzara-Cheng
Издательство издательства:
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Book Descriptionкраткое введение

Table of Contents:


Maddie and her brothers Zach and Josh love going to the beach with their mom and dad. In this story, they discover fun and interesting facts about tidepools and the creatures that live in them. Tide Pool Adventure features detailed, artistic renderings of the vibrant marine life that exists in small pools that are created when the tides recede. Tide pools form shelters for various marine life and serve as nurseries for various species of sea animals. Read Tide Pool Adventure with your kids to learn with Maddie and her family how to help preserve and protect this vital feature of our natural environment.