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Product Details Информация о продукте
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Название названияА
A Tale of Two Shoes
Автор автор:
Helen Haraldsen
Издательство издательства:
Helen Robinson
Язык языка:
Book Descriptionкраткое введение

Table of Contents:


"A beautifully illustrated story with an important message about finding your place in the world." Holly Webb, bestselling author of The Princess and the Suffragette.

Have you ever noticed those poor, abandoned single shoes left in the strangest places around the countryside

How do they get there

Where is their partner

This is the story of two such shoes, cruelly separated and left all alone in the world. Without each other, they have no purpose or value. But sometimes good things can come from bad experiences.

A story that shows how new friendships help us to grow and broaden our horizons.