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Product Details Информация о продукте
Ean ward code:
Название названияА
Fancy Pants Paige
Автор автор:
Dale A Jordan
Издательство издательства:
Dale A. Jordan
Язык языка:
Book Descriptionкраткое введение

Table of Contents:


The story is about 2 best friends who are not very popular in school, because each of

them has a distinct personality. One is a plain Jane in every aspect of her life. The other

one is bizarre and kooky. Yet, they maintain a friendship based on the many things they do

have in common. Some of those thing include attending school and getting good grades,

they both like sports, and they like to please their families. They understand that being

different doesn't mean that they can't get along.

Diversity is an important issue today, especially for our school age children. Hopefully,

young readers can relate to the story and be the best they can be and learn how to cope,

despite what they maybe going through in their lives.