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Product DetailsОсновная информация
ISBN-13Номер книги 9781402224478
Authorавтор Lauren Barnholdt
FormatВерсияОплата в мягкой обложке
Pages NumberКоличество страниц144 страницы
PublisherИздатель Sphinx Publishing
Publication DateДата публикации1 ноября 2011 г.
Product DimensionsРазмер товара 14 x 1 x 18.4 cm
Shipping WeightТоварный вес 136 g
Book Descriptionкраткое введение
Hailey's magic sprite, Maybelle, has finally gotten control of her magic! Does that mean that Maybelle no longer needs Hailey? As if that's not enough to worry Hailey, now she's got her hands full being a flower girl in her aunt's wedding.
About the Authorоб авторе
Lauren Barnholdt is a celebrated author of tween and YA books, including the popular Two Way Street. Lauren loves reading, writing and anything pink and sparkly. She's never had a magic sprite, but she does have four guinea pigs. She lives outside of Boston with her husband. Visit www.laurenbarnholdt.com