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From Demo Tape to Record Deal: Handy Guide

автор: Дэн Левитин; Даниэль Левитан
ISBN13: 9780882844947
тип: Pacific (Jianjian)
Язык: Английский английский)
Издатель: Альфред музыка
Количество страниц: 48
Вес / грамм): 68
размер: 27.178 x 10,414 x 0,762 см.

Обзор книг и резюме

The process of getting a record deal can be long and frustrating. Five years is the average amount of time between the moment a band or musician decides they are ready for one until they actually get a contract. And it can take longer; bands who seem to be"overnight sensations" have often been playing together and making demos for seven to ten years.
Having a good understanding of where you're going and exactly what you are pursuing may make some of the inevitable setbacks less discouraging. With perseverance and the knowledge you will gain from playing the game long enough, you can greatly improve the odds of getting signed.