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Забронируйте дело с проблемными сотрудниками: как управлять производительностью и личными проблемами на рабочем месте [9781413329148]

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Книги базовая информация

Dealing with Problem Employees: How to Manage Performance& Personal Issues in the Workplace

автор: Эми Делпо;
ISBN13: 9781413329148
тип: Pacific (Jianjian)
Язык: Английский английский)
Дата публикации: 2021-09-28
Издатель: НЕТ ВОТ
Количество страниц: 432
Вес / грамм): 657
размер: 22,86 x 17,526 x 2,794 см.

Обзор книг и резюме

Manage employee problems, legally and effectively

Every workplace has occasional problems with employees. This book is packed with the legal and practical information you need to handle all kinds of issues--from small corrective actions to major problems that put your company at risk. It provides proven techniques--and immediate solutions. Find out how to quickly and legally:

  • investigate problems and complaints
  • lay the groundwork for termination
  • handle severances and references
  • prevent discrimination and other types of lawsuits
  • avoid hiring problem employees in the future
  • stop bullying and harassment, and
  • create policies for remote employees.

The 11th edition is completely updated to reflect the latest employment laws in every state. It provides sample policies, forms, and checklists to help you at every step.

With Downloadable Forms Download an employee discipline policy, performance evaluation form, termination checklist, more details inside.