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Gather: How to Build a Mission-Driven Online Community

Автор: группа, Bex
Нажмите: Post Hill Press (22 мая 2023 г.)
Страница: 240 страниц
Английский язык
ISBN: 9781637586402
Штриховой код: 9781637586402
Вес товара: 240,00 г
Размер товара: 21,08 см * 14,15 см *,55 см.

Выбор редактора
When Bex Band started an online community, Love Her Wild, she positively changed her life and the lives of many others in ways she could never have imagined. That click of the mouse was the best thing she ever did!

Love Her Wild is now one of the biggest outdoor communities in the world, winning multiple awards, receiving international recognition, and taking thousands of women on adventures. Bex Band also made a dream career for herself in the process--running a community built on passion and a drive to make a difference.

Gather is the book Bex wishes she had with her when she clicked that create button. Building an online community is an incredible journey, but a very challenging and lonely one at times. This guide will help you navigate the bumpy road ahead, encouraging you to lay down a launch blueprint, drive new members to your community and keep them engaged, market effectively, and learn how to monetize and build a career for yourself doing what you love.

об авторе
Band, Bex: - Bex Band is an adventurer and author. She founded one of the world's largest women's adventure communities, Love Her Wild. Her previous adventures include thru-hiking the 1,000 km Israel National Trail, kick-scooting the length of the USA, and kayaking the width of the UK against plastic pollution.

Bex has been recognized byBusiness Leader as the UK's top 30 inspiring entrepreneurs and was awarded the Next Generation Award by Enterprise Nation. For her work advocating for women in adventure, she has been shortlisted for a National Diversity Award, and in 2018 was given"Legacy Maker" status on the San Miguel"Alternative Rich List."

You can follow Bex on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter (@Bex_Band) or via her blog, which has had over a 1.3 million readers: www.bexband.com.

Biographical Note
Bex Band is an adventurer and author. She founded one of the world's largest women's adventure communities, Love Her Wild. Her previous adventures include thru-hiking the 1,000 km Israel National Trail, kick-scooting the length of the USA, and kayaking the width of the UK against plastic pollution.

Bex has been recognized byBusiness Leader as the UK's top 30 inspiring entrepreneurs and was awarded the Next Generation Award by Enterprise Nation. For her work advocating for women in adventure, she has been shortlisted for a National Diversity Award, and in 2018 was given"Legacy Maker" status on the San Miguel"Alternative Rich List."

You can follow Bex on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter (@Bex_Band) or via her blog, which has had over a 1.3 million readers: www.bexband.com.