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Книги базовая информация

Tape Reading and Market Tactics: The Three Steps to Successful Stock Trading

автор: Хамфри Б. Нил
ISBN13: 9781578989157
тип: Pacific (Jianjian)
Язык: Английский английский)
Дата публикации: 2010-05-28
Издатель: Martino Fine Books
Количество страниц: 256
Вес / грамм): 381
размер: 22,86 x 15,24 x 1,4732 см.

Обзор книг и резюме

2010 Reprint of 1931 Edition. In this 1931 Wall Street classic Neill explains not only how to read the tape, but also how to figure out what's going on behind the numbers. Full of graphs and charts, it contains excellent sections on human nature and speculation. Though first published in 1931, this work remains a classic text in the field, and greatly influence Nicholar Darvas, a later Wall Street Guru. Neill advised that the investor not follow the general public and he himself was very wary of the crowd mentality. Neill's philosophy pushes the reader to study hard and pay ones' dues. He insists that the successful trader is an educated entrepreneur; one who can make reasoned decisions based on the movements of price and volume.