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Bullet Diary English Original Edition The Bullet Journal Method Method Bullet Notes Method Method Успешная вдохновляющая книга импорт английский английский версия

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Название: Метод журнала Bullet Journal

Автор: Райдер Кэрролл
Имя издательства: Четвертая поместье
Время публикации: 2018
Английский язык
ISBN: 9780008261375
Размер товара: 14,8 x 3 x 20,9 см
Упаковка: твердый переплет
Количество страниц: 304 (преобладать фактический объект)


‘The Bullet Journal Method completely changed the way I work and my productivity levels immediately shot up. It’s a system I feel like I’ll use forever as it adapts with me and lends itself to my busy lifestyle’Lily Pebbles

‘Bullet journaling is one of the most elegant and effective productivity systems I've ever encountered. It will not only help you get more organised but will also help you become a better person. I highly recommend this book (and the method it details) for anyone looking to get more out of life’Cal Newport, author of Deep Work

‘Whether you are an avid journaler or have always wanted to explore the benefits of journaling, The Bullet Journal Method simplifies the power of putting pen to paper and will undoubtedly transform your life, in more ways than you can imagine’Hal Elrod, author of The Miracle Morning

‘A month in, and I am surprised by how well this system has kept me on task. I have retired my other organising apps. The physicality of my notebook stops me from getting distracted when I am planning my day. It is nice to have a single log of where and how I spend my time. And, crucially, I am much more productive. My email inbox no longer dictates my priorities for the day’Lilah Raptopoulos, Financial Times

Ryder Carroll—&Mdash; Bullet Journal Bullet Diary System System, в этой книге он объяснил, как использовать Bullet Journal:


&Бык; отслеживайте свой прошлый трек ваш проход

Просто сделайте ручку и лист бумаги, вы можете четко, всесторонне и организовать свои идеи и цели.

&Бык; поверните свой текущий заказ ваш подарок

Уменьшите свою рабочую нагрузку, обрабатывая приоритет, справляйтесь с вашими вопросами, более сфокусированным и эффективным образом, и найдите мирное ежедневное спокойствие.

&бык; спланируйте свое будущее планировать свое будущее

Установите и оцените свои краткосрочные и долгосрочные цели, простое и эффективное планирование более сложных проектов, что делает вашу жизнь полной смысла и целей.

Transform your life using the Bullet Journal Method, the revolutionary organisational system and worldwide phenomenon.

The Bullet Journal Method will undoubtedly transform your life, in more ways than you can imagine’ Hal Elrod, author of The Miracle Morning

In his long-awaited first book, Ryder Carroll, the creator of the enormously popular Bullet Journal organisational system, explains how to use his method to:

• TRACK YOUR PAST: using nothing more than a pen and paper, create a clear, comprehensive, and organised record of your thoughts and goals.

• ORDER YOUR PRESENT: find daily calm by prioritising and minimising your workload and tackling your to-do list in a more mindful and productive way.

• PLAN YOUR FUTURE: establish and appraise your short-term and long-term goals, plan more complex projects simply and effectively, and live your life with meaning and purpose.

Ryder Carrollis a digital product designer and inventor of the Bullet Journal. He's had the privilege of working with companies like Adidas, American Express, Cisco, IBM, Macy's, and HP. He's been featured by the New York Times, LA Times, Fast Company, Bloomberg, Lifehacker, and Mashable. He recently gave a TEDx talk on intentionality.