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[Pre -Sale] Ведущий Apple со Стивом Джобсом: уроки управления

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Product DetailsОсновная информация
ISBN-13Номер книги 9781118379523
Authorавтор Jay Elliot
FormatВерсияТвердая обложка
Pages NumberКоличество страниц176 страниц
PublisherИздатель John Wiley& Sons Inc
Publication DateДата публикации25 сентября 2012 г.
Product DimensionsРазмер товара 16.2 x 2 x 23 cm
Shipping WeightТоварный вес 363 g
Book Descriptionкраткое введение
A former Senior VP of Apple shares how Steve Jobs motivated people to do the best work of their lives Jay Elliot was hired personally by Steve Jobs, just in time to accompany him on the last of his historic visits to Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center, the visits that changed the course of computing. As Senior VP of Apple, Jay served as Steve's right-hand man and trouble-shooter, overseeing all corporate operations and business planning, as well as software development and HR. In Leading Apple with Steve Jobs , Jay details how Steve managed and motivated his people--and what every manager can learn from Jobs about motivating people to do the best work of their lives. Steve Jobs used the phrase"Pirates! Not the Navy" as a rallying cry--a metaphor to"Think Different." In the days of developing the Macintosh, it became a four-word mission statement. It expresses the heart of Apple and Steve. The management principles that grew out of that statement form the backbone of this book. Explains how to find talented people who will understand your objectives and be able to make a contribution to that effort Lists traits that can determine whether a person will be so committed to the vision that they will provide their own motivation Explains how to ensure that your employees hold an allegiance to the captain and to his/her shipmates, and also possess the ability to come up with original, unique ways to approach a problem, and be self-guided with a strong sense of direction Leading Apple with Steve Jobs will shift your thought paradigm and inspire you to assemble and lead innovative teams.
About the Authorоб авторе
JAY ELLIOT was a senior member of the original Macintosh development team and helped Steve Jobs develop the overall Mac design inspired by Xerox PARC. Becoming Senior Vice President of Apple reporting directly to Steve, Jay ran all corporate operations, including business planning, IT, facilities, and HR, for Apple worldwide. As a mentor to Steve, Jay was able to impart the management principles Jay had learned at IBM and Intel, which helped Steve build Apple into a multibillion-dollar company.