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Retail Facilities Maintenance: The Circle of Management: A 30-Year Experience Management Narrative

Автор: Тирни, Ал
Издательство: Westbow Press (19 июня 2013 г.)
Страница: страница 172
Английский язык
ISBN: 9781449798222
Штриховой код: 9781449798222
Вес товара: 240,00 г
Размер товара: 22,86 см * 15,24 см * 0,94 см.

Выбор редактора

The Circle of Management that addresses corporations' facilities maintenance needs faces the deferred maintenance, emergency needs, and life cycle building component replacements that occur with the properties they do business out of. The facilities maintenance manager and staff dictate the application practices to be utilized for themselves and the vendors and contractors performing the required maintenance improvements. The processes and tools developed over my thirty years of experience are stated and explained.

What is the purpose of facilities maintenance? When do you need to get bids? When should you repair or replace a building component? How detailed do you need to be? What are the life cycles of the building components, and why does it matter? What reporting is required? What different type of maintenance programs are there? What is the best type of maintenance program and why? Is facilities maintenance a necessary evil or good? What do facilities maintenance project managers concern themselves with? What practices enable a vendor or contractor to be successful? How does the Operations Department initiate their needs for and respond to the results of facilities maintenance?