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Supercharged Retirement: Ditch the Rocking Chair, Trash the Remote, and Do What You Love

Автор: Ллойд, Мэри
Издательство: Hankfritz Press (31 марта 2009 г.)
Страница: страницы 272
Английский язык
ISBN: 9780979831980
Штриховой код: 9780979831980
Товарный вес: 400,00G
Размер товара: 22,91 см * 15,19 см *,55 см.

Выбор редактора
Life after retirement is much more exciting if you look beyond what you need for financial security as you prepare for it. Mary Lloyd lays out a whole new paradigm for doing this and shows you how to assess what you really want and need--physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually--to make retired life the most rewarding time of all. Supercharged Retirement will help you conquer the emotional and personal challenges of stepping out of the workforce with solutions that work specifically for you. This book is a valuable wake-up call, particularly if you've been focused on financial planning alone. It will challenge your assumptions about this stage of life, refocus your sense of what s possible, rekindle your passions, and reawaken your drive to spend your time, energy, and resources on what's important to you. You'll discover how to -Decide if you really want to retire now or ever. -Design a lifestyle for your post-career years that is right for you. -Find compelling ways to act on what's important to you and maintain your sense of purpose. -Keep your world expanding. -Define strategies for dealing with likely challenges and potential fears. A passionate guide for making these years sparkle, Supercharged Retirement turns conventional wisdom about how to prepare for retirement on its ear. It delivers practical, easy-to-read advice about a better way to do it, using humor, anecdotes, and exercises along with a wide range of factual information. If you use this book, get ready to launch. With Lloyd's recommendations, not even the sky is the limit.

Biographical Note
Mary Lloyd wrote Supercharged Retirement: Ditch the Rocking Chair, Trash the Remote, and Do What You Love because what was available for figuring out what to do after you retire was inadequate for many of us. She is committed to offering better resources for those over 50 and started Mining Silver LLC in 2007 to accomplish that. She's done seminars, workshops, and numerous presentations but her first love was and will remain writing. Before leaving the corporate world, she was a natural gas industry executive. For more see her website, www.mining-silver.com.