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Книги базовая информация

Indian Agriculture Between Isolation and Integration: A Theoretical Review and an Analysis of the Economic and Social Geography of Four Villages in So

автор: Уолтер Генрих Рэмбо библиотека использования
ISBN13: 9783261029812
тип: Pacific (Jianjian)
Язык: Английский английский)
Дата публикации: 1978-12-31
Издатель: Питер Ланг публично
Количество страниц: 191
Вес / грамм): 388
размер: 158 Little 262 Little 17 Mom

Обзор книг и резюме

In a country like India, agriculture provides the largest source of not only income but also employment. Economic growth, in this context, is critically dependent upon a breakthrough in agriculture. The problems of modernizing the agricultural sector are the subject of this study. The governmental strategy of agricultural development and its success or failure are described and analysed. In spite of a remarkable increase in agricultural production and a slightly improved per capita income and availability of foodgrain since Independence, the basic questions remain: how far reaching are the changes in Indian agricultural practice and do they favour the majority of the farmers in a village community?