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Оригинальная английская версия мультфильма Введение в экономику Том II Comics Economics 2 Английская версия импортированной английской книги

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Базовая информация (печенье) .png

Название: Мультфильм Интрафинг на экономику, том 2: Макроэкономика

Автор: Йорам Бауман

Имя издательства: холм& Wang Inc.,U.S.

Время публикации: 2011

Английский язык

ISBN: 9780809033614

Размер товара: 17,9 х 1,5 х 25,2 см

Упаковка: Тихий океан

Количество страниц: 240 (преобладать фактический объект)

n Введение (печенье) .png

Whereas"Volume One: Microeconomics" dealt with the optimizing individual,"Volume Two: Macroeconomics" explains the factors that affect the economy of an entire country and, indeed, the planet. It explores the two big concerns of macroeconomics: how economies grow and why economies collapse. It also illustrates the basics of the labour market and unemployment, inflation and debt, what the GDP is and what it measures, and the influence of government, trade, and technology on the economy. Along the way it covers the economics of global poverty, climate change, and the business cycle. In short, if any of these topics have cropped up in a news story and caused you to wish you grasped the underlying basics, this book is for you. And while walking you through an entire introductory macroeconomics course, its cartoon characters - with cameos from Nobel Prize - winning economists such as Milton Friedman and Paul Krugman - take the sting out of the subject.

Об авторе

An environmental economist at the University of Washington (and a part-time teacher at Seattle's Lakeside High School), Yoram Bauman, PhD, is the world's first and only stand-up economist.

Grady Klein is a cartoonist, an illustrator, and an animator. He is the coauthor and illustrator of The Cartoon Introduction to Economics: Volume One: Microeconomics and The Cartoon Introduction to Economics: Volume Two: Macroeconomics, and the creator of the Lost Colony series of graphic novels. He coauthored The Cartoon Introduction to Statistics with Alan Dabney. He lives in Princeton, New Jersey, with his wife and two children.
