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The Sage Handbook of Process Organization Studies

Автор: Лэнгли, Энн
Нажмите: Sage Publications Ltd (24 января 2017 г.)
Номер: стр. 678
Английский язык
ISBN: 9781446297018
Штриховой код: 9781446297018
Вес товара: 1320,00G
Размер товара: 24,38 см * 17,27 см * 4,06 см.

Выбор редактора

The SAGE Handbook of Process Organization Studies provides a comprehensive and timely overview of the field. This volume offers a compendium of perspectives on process thinking, process organizational theory, process research methodology and empirical applications. The emphasis is on a combination of pedagogical contributions and in-depth reviews of current thinking and research in each of the selected areas, combined with the development of agendas for future research.

The Handbook is divided into five sections:

  • Part One: Process Philosophy
  • Part Two: Process Theory
  • Part Three: Process Methodology
  • Part Four: Process Applications
  • Part Five: Process Perspectives