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Forecasting: An Appraisal for Policy-Makers and Planners

Автор: Ашер, Уильям Л.
Издательство издательства: издательство Университета Джона Хопкинса (16 февраля 1978 г.)
Страница: стр. 256
Английский язык
ISBN: 9780801822735
Штриховой код: 9780801822735
Вес товара: 380,00G
Размер продукта: 22,83 см * 14,99 см * 1,78 см

краткое введение
Ascher examines the records of expert forecasting of national trends in population, economics, energy, transportation, and technology over a fifty-year period.

Выбор редактора

Energy needs... oil supplies... inflation rates... the demand for new homes... in concerns like these, forecasting plays a crucial role. Forecasts not only determine how billions of dollars will be spent but also commit national policies far into the future; yet, no one really knows how to judge the reliability of forecasts. In this innovative study, William Ascher examines the records of expert forecasting of national trends in population, economics, energy, transportation, and technology over a fifty-year period. The results help to identify both the accuracies and hidden biases of forecasting techniques, information that should be of vital interest to all policy-makers and planners.

об авторе
Ascher, William L.: -William Ascher is a professor and director of the Center for International Development Research at the Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy at Duke University. He is the author ofNatural Resource Policymaking in Developing Countries andCommunities and Sustainable Forestry in Developing Countries.