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Product DetailsОсновная информация
ISBN-13Номер книги9780387321561
AuthorавторSimon Parker
FormatВерсияТвердая обложка
Pages NumberКоличество страниц604 страниц
PublisherИздательSpringer-Verlag New York Inc.
Publication DateДата публикации12 октября 2006 г.
Product DimensionsРазмер товара 15.6 x 3.3 x 23.4 cm
Shipping WeightТоварный вес2.3 Kg
Book Descriptionкраткое введение
This book discusses topical issues in entrepreneurship organized around the various stages of venture creation, development and performance. It is arranged in several parts, dealing with the pre-start stage, followed by venture creation, financing ventures, venture development, and venture performance. Each part contains several chapters written by experts in the relevant field. The multi-disciplinary flavor of the book is complemented by its international evidence base, featuring results from a range of different countries. The book will help researchers and practitioners who want to pinpoint the key points emerging from the latest academic thinking.
About the Authorоб авторе
Professor Parker is Head of the Department of Economics& Finance at Durham University and Director of the Centre for Entrepreneurship at Durham Business School. He is also a Research Professor of the Max Planck Institute of Economics, Jena Germany, and a Research Fellow at the IZA Institute for the Study of Labor, Bonn Germany. He has published over 40 articles in peer-reviewed journals in economics and entrepreneurship, and is the author of The Economics of Self-employment and Entrepreneurship (Cambridge University Press, 2004)