[4 недели] магнитные приводы и датчики, второе издание [Wiley Material Science] [9781118505250]
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Магнитные приводы и датчики, второе издание [Wiley Material Science]
Китайское название книги: Магнитный привод и датчик № 2 издания
автор: Джон Р. Брауэр
ISBN13: 9781118505250
тип: В твердом переплете (книга в твердом переплете)
Язык: Английский английский)
Дата публикации: 2014-03-07
Издатель: Wiley-Ieee Press
Количество страниц: 400
Вес / грамм): 703
размер: 23,622 x 16,002 x 2,54 см
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A fully updated, easy-to-read guide on magnetic actuators andsensors
TheSecond Edition of this must-have book for today'sengineers includes the latest updates and advances in the field ofmagnetic actuators and sensors.Magnetic Actuators andSensors emphasizes computer-aided designtechniques--especially magnetic finite element analysis;offers many new sections on topics ranging from magnetic separatorsto spin valve sensors; and features numerous worked calculations, illustrations, and real-life applications.
To aid readers in building solid, fundamental, theoreticalbackground and design know-how, the book provides in-depth coveragein four parts:
- Introduction
- Basic Electromagnetics
- Reluctance Method
- Finite-Element Method
- Magnetic Force
- Other Magnetic Performance Parameters
- Magnetic Actuators Operated by Direct Current
- Magnetic Actuators Operated by Alternating Current
- Magnetic Actuator Transient Operation
- Hall Effect and Magnetoresistive Sensors
- Other Magnetic Sensors
- Coil Design and Temperature Calculations
- Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Electromechanical Finite Elements
- Electromechanical Analysis Using Systems Models
- Coupled Electrohydraulic Analysis Using Systems Models
With access to a support website containing downloadablesoftware data files (including MATLAB(R) data files) forverifying design techniques and analytical methods,MagneticActuators and Sensors, Second Edition is an exemplary learningtool for practicing engineers and engineering students involved inthe design and application of magnetic actuators and sensors.