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Книги базовая информация

Accountability in Multicultural Settings

автор: Пи Тим Ар Ар А.К.
ISBN13: 9783639417685
тип: Pacific (Jianjian)
Язык: Английский английский)
Дата публикации: 2012-05-26
Издатель: Mickee Verla из Ava Card
Количество страниц: 268
Вес / грамм): 394
размер: 22,86 маленький 15,24 маленький 1,5494 Умный

Описание продукта

Revision with unchanged content. In the context of international development efforts, accountability verification processes (AVPs) between INGOs and their local partners occur in mul­ti­cul­tu­ral settings. This study examines how national cultural differences affect the practice of AVPs by INGOs in three countries (UK, India, and Thailand). Fin­dings demonstrate that"one size does not fit all." The use of a formal bu­reaucratic approach to AVPs is ineffective in lesser-developed societies be­cause it violates cultural values held by partner organizations. In practice, verification methods are being modified at the community level to make them consistent with local cultures and to ensure better accountability re­sults. This study informs INGO executives and trustees that as INGOs learn more about how national culture affects AVPs, appropriate steps can be ta­ken to adjust how accountability is established and maintained.

Обзор книг и резюме

Revision with unchanged content. In the context of international development efforts, accountability verification processes (AVPs) between INGOs and their local partners occur in mul-ti-cul-tu-ral settings. This study examines how national cultural differences affect the practice of AVPs by INGOs in three countries (UK, India, and Thailand). Fin-dings demonstrate that"one size does not fit all." The use of a formal bu-reaucratic approach to AVPs is ineffective in lesser-developed societies be-cause it violates cultural values held by partner organizations. In practice, verification methods are being modified at the community level to make them consistent with local cultures and to ensure better accountability re-sults. This study informs INGO executives and trustees that as INGOs learn more about how national culture affects AVPs, appropriate steps can be ta-ken to adjust how accountability is established and maintained.