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[Pre-Sale] Книга детской книги с одним на миллион: Babyna

Цена: 2 805руб.    (¥156)
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Product DetailsОсновная информация
ISBN-13Номер книги9780399534300
AuthorавторMoss, Jennifer
Pages NumberКоличество страницСтраница 609
PublisherИздательPerigee Books
Publication DateДата публикации01 июля 2008 г.
Product DimensionsРазмер товара229 x 178x25cm
Shipping WeightТоварный вес0.857
Book Descriptionкраткое введение
From one of the top parenting websites?a comprehensive naming guide featuring the unique Babynames.com popularity ratings.
Forget those traditional lists of names and their meanings?in guiding readers step-by-step through the naming process, as well as the seven things to consider, this book will help parents decide upon a name perfectly suited to their child and family. The only baby name book to draw upon the opinions of 1.2 million parents, each listing features a popularity rating derived from website feedback as well as the top personality traits associated with the name. Readers can also browse lists of names organized in unique ways such as names for sports fans or fiction lovers, and names to be avoided.