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Основная информация

наименование товара: Google SearchИздательство: KS OmniScriptum PublishingОпубликованная дата:Никто на данный момент
Автор:Lydia D. Thomson-SmithПереводчик:
Цены: 878.00Количество страниц:204Индийский: 1
Номер ISBN:9786130142162Типы продукта:книгиВерсия:


Выбор редактора

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Latest news 2012: Iran has forbidden access to the various Google services like Google email service, Gmail and even Google search engine. Experts over there had already set up a firewall which prevents Iranians from accessing multiple Western sites. In fact, reporters have advanced that the anti-Islamic film which was posted on YouTube in September 2012 has contributed a lot in this new step. Specialists have mentioned that the Iranian government is taking actions in order to improve cyber security. Iran has one of the biggest Internet filters of any country in the world. The Internet filters have proved again and again to deny Iranians from accessing countless sites on the official grounds they are offensive or criminal...