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[Pre -Sale] Справочник по оптике, третье издание Том I: GEO

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Product DetailsОсновная информация
ISBN-13Номер книги 9780071498890
Authorавтор Bass Michael
Pages NumberКоличество страниц1248 страниц
PublisherИздатель McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing
Publication DateДата публикации01 октября 2009 г.
Product DimensionsРазмер товара 229 x 178x25cm
Shipping WeightТоварный вес 1.995
Book Descriptionкраткое введение
The most comprehensive and up-to-date optics resource available

Prepared under the auspices of the Optical Society of America, the five carefully architected and cross-referenced volumes of the"Handbook of Optics," Third Edition, contain everything a student, scientist, or engineer requires to actively work in the field. From the design of complex optical systems to world-class research and development methods, this definitive publication provides unparalleled access to the fundamentals of the discipline and its greatest minds.

Individual chapters are written by the world's most renowned experts who explain, illustrate, and solve the entire field of optics. Each volume contains a complete chapter listing for the entire"Handbook," extensive chapter glossaries, and a wealth of references. This pioneering work offers unprecedented coverage of optics data, techniques, and applications.

Volume I covers geometrical and physical optics, polarized light, components, and instruments.