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[Pre -Sale] Бессмертие и безопасное естественное исцеление: кулинарная книга с

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Product DetailsОсновная информация
ISBN-13Номер книги 9780595513956
Authorавтор Leonard G. Messier
FormatВерсияОплата в мягкой обложке
Pages NumberКоличество страницСтраницы 188
PublisherИздатель iUniverse.com
Publication DateДата публикации1 сентября 2008 г.
Product DimensionsРазмер товара 15.2 x 1 x 22.9 cm
Shipping WeightТоварный вес 286 g
Book Descriptionкраткое введение
(1) Humans are not programmed to die, not in their genes to die, unlike the King Salmons that are programmed to die after laying eggs on a river-bed or dogs that die at certain age. It's the free-radicals, in mostly the foods they eat, that keep killing their body cells that repair the dead body parts so diseases can easily take over then kill the body. However, vitamins C, E and Beta-carotene pills could neutralized or prevent the free-radicals from killing us, but must be taken daily, especially after eating meat, except for fish and chicken. (2) By the year 2030,"Nanotechnolgy" will cures all illments and will keep reversing the aging process, making people live forever. They will have super-intellegent and they will be traveling to the other planets or galaxys.(PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO TAKE THE VITAMINS D and E, AND BETA-CATOTENE EVERYDAY SO YOU CAN LIVE LONGER)