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Оригинальная английская импортная книга Grimm#39; S Fairry Tales Green Fairy Tale

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Product DetailsОсновная информация
ISBN-13Номер книги 9781853261015
AuthorавторЗеленые братья (Джейкоб Гримм, Вильгельм Гримм)
FormatВерсияОплата в мягкой обложке
Pages NumberКоличество страниц272 страницы
PublisherИздатель Wordsworth Editions Ltd; 1993-01-01
Publication DateДата публикации1 января 1993 г.
Product DimensionsРазмер товара20 Open 12,9 x 1,4 x 19,8 см
Shipping WeightТоварный вес 172 g
Book Descriptionкраткое введение
Сказки Грина и сказки Андерсена являются символами, что китайские читатели хорошо известны.Автор «Зеленая фея» - это зеленые братья, живущие в Германии в 19 веке.Во время колледжа они встретились с романтическим поэтом Гейдельберга Брунтано и Альнима.Позже братья посетили тех, кто хорошо разбирался в сказках в Хейзене, реке Мейин и в других местах, и собирали истории в их устье.

В истории «Зеленая фея», хотя люди разных стран живут в разных областях, они говорят на разных языках, в них доминируют разные императоры, или они больше не управляются. Доброта, любящая, трудолюбивая, тяжелая работа, храбрость и т. Д. - все это полностью согласуется с уродливым качеством, таким как лицемерие, зло, жестокое, хитрость, лень и робость.

Знаменитые статьи в «Зеленая фея» включают «Белоснечную белую», «Рыбак и его жена», «Призлет и терпение», «Умный маленький портной», «Кролик и еж» и так далее.

Book Description
The Brothers Grimm rediscovered a host of fairy tales, telling of princes and princesses in their castles, witches in their towers and forests, of giants and dwarfs, of fabulous animals and dark deeds. This selection of their tales was made and translated by Lucy Crane.
About the Authorоб авторе
 With evocative pictures by an artist widely recognized as one of the foremost illustrators of the twentieth century, this outstanding anthology is a handsome keepsake for children and adults. Arthur Rackham (1867-1939) illustrated more than 50 books, including Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, which brought him international fame.
The editors recommendВыбор редактора
FromSchool Library Journal
Kindergarten-Grade 5-Joss Ackland reads 14 personal favorites from Grimm, some of which will be new to adults as well as children. Even familiar tales like"Cinderella" and"Little Red Riding Hood" will seem a little unfamiliar as the older versions of the stories are shared."Cinderella" does not contain a fairy godmother; good fortune comes to the heroine through a kind bird who perches in a hazel bush growing from Cinderella's dead mother's grave. The menacing wolf in"Little Red Riding Hood" is dispatched by the huntsman. However, for listeners who think that the story ended there, Ackland reveals that Little Red Riding Hood ventured into the wood again and was approached by another wolf, equally threatening. Learning their lesson the first time, Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother drown the second wolf. Among the other tales are:"Snow White and Rose Red," "Rapunzel," "The Singing Bone," "Rumpelstiltskin," "Faithful John," "The Nixie of the Mill Pond," "The Mouse, the Bird and the Sausage," "The Sleeping Beauty," and four others. The rich style of these stories has an antique quality, and there is no attempt to modernize them. Likewise, there is no attempt to launder the tales to remove the violent justice or merciless cruelty heaped upon the heroes and heroines. The sound quality is excellent, and Ackland is a remarkable reader who uses his expressive voice to bring out the drama inherent in these stories. Listeners seeking authentic versions of these classic tales will find a unique resource in this collection. School media specialists and public librarians will find this an excellent addition to their folktale collections.ANancy L. Chu, Western Illinois University, Macomb

British actress Laura Paton reads fairy tales, including"The Frog Prince," "The Elves and the Shoemaker," "Hansel and Gretel," "Little Red Riding Hood" and"Cinderella." Paton reads at a comfortable pace in a clear, versatile voice. She gives a quiet, deft reading without intrusive overdramatization, which allows listeners to become involved in the stories. The stories are introduced with brief musical passages taken from Tchaikovsky, Strauss and Grieg, which enhance the presentation. Whether listeners know these classic stories well or are hearing them from the first time, they'll enjoy this collection. C.R.A.