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[Pre -Sale on Demand Printing] Король Артур и Рыцари Круглого стола

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Product Details Информация о продукте
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Название названияА
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
Автор автор:
Rupert S. Holland
Издательство издательства:
Wilder Publications
Язык языка:
Book Descriptionкраткое введение

Table of Contents:


King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table! What magic is in the words! How they carry us straight to the days of chivalry, to the witchcraft of Merlin, to the wonderful deeds of Lancelot and Perceval and Galahad, to the Quest for the Holy Grail, to all that"glorious company, the flower of men," as Tennyson has called the king and his companions! Down through the ages the stories have come to us, one of the few great romances which, like the tales of Homer, are as fresh and vivid to-day as ever.