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Английские оригинальные сонеты любовных и элегии

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Заголовок:Love Sonnets and Elegies (NYRB Poets) 

Автор:Louise Labé

Название издательства:NYRB Poets

Опубликованная дата:2014

Английский язык


Размер товара:11.4 x 0.8 x 17.5 cm

Упаковка: Тихий океан

Количество страниц:144(Принимая фактический объект)

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Louise Labé, one of the most original poets of the French Renaissance, published her complete Works around the age of thirty and then disappeared from history. Rediscovered in the nineteenth century, her incandescent love sonnets were later translated into German by Rilke and appear here in a revelatory new English version by the award-winning translator Richard Sieburth.

Об авторе

Louise Labé was born between 1516 and 1522 in Lyon, France. Her father was a ropemaker and her mother died when she was an infant. It is thought that Labé may have been sent to the sisters of the convent of La Déserte for her primary and secondary schooling, where she would have learned the arts  of needlecraft and music in addition to Latin and Italian. Legend has it that she excelled on horseback and jousted in tournaments dressed as a man. In her twenties, Labé married a ropemaker twenty years her elder. In her lifetime she gained  a reputation as a scholar and, to her enemies, as a femme s?avante, or courtesan. Her complete writings, Euvres de Lou?ze Labé Lionnoize, were published in 1555 and included  a preface dedicated to CléMence de Bourges, три элегии, двадцать четыре сонета, прозаичная работа под названием «Дебаты между глупостью и любовью», и двадцать четыре уважения к лионнесским людям. .é‘Сонеты в 1917 году, а в его ангеологии шестнадцатого века Veers, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L,éОпольд Сенхор пробуждает ее «величайшую поэтесс, когда -либо родившуюся во Франции».
