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[Печать по требованию] Пять мужей для Маргариты

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Основная информация

наименование товара: Five Husbands for MargheritaИздательство: AuthorHouseОпубликованная дата:Никто на данный момент
Автор:Yvonne TaylorПереводчик:
Цены: 219.00Количество страниц:254Индийский: 1
Номер ISBN:9781504941693Типы продукта:книгиВерсия:


Выбор редактора

This is the story of a powerful woman in Italian medieval times. While it is true that many stories circulated about a seductive Margherita Aldobrandeschi, some believe she had little choice in her marriages or even the number of them. The author carried out vast research while looking for the truth about Margherita. In her account the facts that surround Margherita's five marriages are, for the most part, true. However, she has made some changes or inventions to facilitate the story. She hopes any historians reading this book will forgive her for these manipulations.