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Spot Animal Farm Manor English Original Edition Джордж Ова Кото, классический английский оригинальный шедевр Джорджа Оуа Кото 1984 года.

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Название: усадьба животных животных животных

Основная информация

Автор: Джордж Оруэлл Джордж·Ова

Нажмите: Signet Classics

Время публикации: 1996

Английский язык

ISBN: 9780451526342

Размер товара: 10,8 x 1,2 х 19,2 см

Упаковка: Тихий океан

Количество страниц: 176

краткое введение

Since its publication in 1946, George Orwell's fable of a workers' revolution gone wrong has rivaled Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea as the Shortest Serious Novel It's OK to Write a Book Report About. (The latter is three pages longer and less fun to read.) Fueled by Orwell's intense disillusionment with Soviet Communism, Animal Farm is a nearly perfect piece of writing, both an engaging story and an allegory that actually works. When the downtrodden beasts of Manor Farm oust their drunken human master and take over management of the land, all are awash in collectivist zeal. Everyone willingly works overtime, productivity soars, and for one brief, glorious season, every belly is full. The animals' Seven Commandment credo is painted in big white letters on the barn. All animals are equal. No animal shall drink alcohol, wear clothes, sleep in a bed, or kill a fellow four-footed creature. Those that go upon four legs or wings are friends and the two-legged are, by definition, the enemy. Too soon, however, the pigs, who have styled themselves leaders by virtue of their intelligence, succumb to the temptations of privilege and power."We pigs are brainworkers. The whole management and organisation of the farm depend on us. Day and night, we are watching over your welfare. It is for your sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples." While this swinish brotherhood sells out the revolution, cynically editing the Seven Commandments to excuse their violence and greed, the common animals are once again left hungry and exhausted, no better off than in the days when humans ran the farm. Satire Animal Farm may be, but it's a stony reader who remains unmoved when the stalwart workhorse, Boxer, having given his all to his comrades, is sold to the glue factory to buy booze for the pigs. Orwell's view of Communism is bleak indeed, but given the history of the Russian people since 1917, his pessimism has an air of prophecy. --Joyce Thompson

From Library Journal

This 50th-anniversary commemorative edition of Orwell's masterpiece is lavishly illustrated by Ralph Steadman. In addition, it contains Orwell's proposed introduction to the English-language version as well as his preface to the Ukrainian text. Though all editions of Animal Farm are equal, this one is more equal than others.

Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information, Inc. 

Животное фермера было невыносимо для угнетения человеческих владельцев. заливали за власть.С тех пор свиньи, которые получили лидерство, имеют растущую власть и станут новым классом привилегий; животные, чем другие животные.

Старый майор на ферме умер после того, как предложил теорию «человеческой эксплуатации скота, скот должен быть революционным». революционных фруктов.

Тем не менее, свиньи, которые возглавляли революцию, были разделены, и свинейный снежный ком был объявлен как враг революции. С тех пор свиньи, получившие лидерскую власть эксплуататор скота, который был точно таким же, как у людей, и название поместья животных также было заброшено.

об авторе

Джордж·Джордж Оруэлл, настоящее имя Эрик·Артур·Эрик Артур Блэр, британский писатель.

Он оставил большое количество работ для будущих поколений.Так что для того, чтобы ссылаться на социальное явление, описанное каким -то Оруэллом, в современном английском есть слово «оруэллов».В январе 1950 года Оруэлл умер в возрасте 46 лет.

Eric Arthur Blair (George Orwell) was born in India in 1903. He was educated at Eton, served with the Indian Imperial Police in Burma, and worked in Britain as a private tutor, schoolteacher, bookshop assistant and journalist. In 1936, Orwell went to fight for the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War and was wounded. In 1938 he was admitted into a sanatorium and from then on was never fully fit. George Orwell died in London in 1950. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.