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Book DescriptionAll good things must come to end. Constant Listener, and not even Stephen King can write a story that goes on forever. The tale of Ronald Deschain's relentless quest for the Dark Tower has, the author fears, sorely tried the patience of those who have followed it from its earliest chapters. But attend to it a while longer, if it pleases you, for this volume is the last, and often the last things are best. Roland's ka-tet remains intact, though scattered over wheres and whens. Susannah-Mia has been carried from the Dixie Pig (in the summer of 1999) to a birthing room -- really a chamber of horrors - in Thunderclap's Fedic Station; Jake and Father Callahan, with Oy between them, have entered the restaurant on Lex and 61st with weapons drawn, little knowing how numerous and noxious are their foes. Roland and Eddie are with John Cullum in Maine, in 1977, looking for the site on Turtleback Lane where"walk-ins" have been often seen. They want desperately to get back to the others, to Susannah especially, and yet they have come to realize that the world they need to escape is the only one that matters. Thus the audiobook opens, like a door to the uttermost reaches of Stephen King's imagination. You've come this far. Come a little father. Come all the way. The sound you hear may be the slamming of the door behind you. Welcome to The Dark Tower. Amazon.comAt one point in this final book of the Dark Tower series, the character Stephen King (added to the plot in Song of Susannah) looks back at the preceding pages and says"when this last book is published, the readers are going to be just wild."И он не шутит. Сердечная кульминация, как Роланд и его финал, их цель. Сам король. Остались на висящих из 15 романов и историй, которые глубоко переплетаются в ткани середины работы через таких персонажей, как Рэндалл Флэгг (стенд и другие) или отец Каллахан (участок Салема). Безусловно, поклонники, но желая, чтобы их было более сильным. Посмотрите на конец квеста Ролана. , Может быть, Король видел критику за медленные темпы 1982 года The Gunslinger, книгу, которая запускает эту серию, рисунок из трех (Bo Ok II, 1987), нанесла у читателей его фантастическую привлекательность. Эдди, Сюзанна, Джейк и Ой с тех пор найдут свою верность по отношению к создателю сериала, богато вознагражденным. Запутанные В. Эб из множественных миров башни проявились во многих других работах Кинга - Стенд (1978), Insomnia (1994 и сердца в Атлантиде (1999), чтобы назвать Feew."From the spring of 1970, when he typed the line The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed... very few of the things Stephen King wrote were 'just stories.' He may not believe that; we do." King, in fact, intertwines his own life story deeper and deeper into the tale of Roland and his surrogate family of gunslingers, and, in this final installment, playfully and seductively suggests that it might not be the author who drives the story, but rather the fictional characters that control the author.This philosophical exploration of free will and destiny may surprise those who have viewed King as a prolific pop-fiction dispenser. But a closer look at the brilliant complexity of his Dark Tower world should explain why this bestselling author h