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Основная информация

Название: Иллюстрация шейки матки

Цена: 68 юаней

Автор: Тан Сюэжан, под редакцией Ю -Тяньюаня

Пресса: Медицинская пресса Народной армии

Дата публикации: 2009-10-01

ISBN: 9787509130827

Слова: 266000

Номер страницы: 131



Открыто: 16

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Краткое содержание

Thiook is written by experienced professors and experts who work in Tuinadepartment of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and in TCM massagedepartment of China-Japan Friendship Hospital, The Ministry of Health. The bookconsists of 4 parts: introduction to cervical spondylosis, the treatment fundamentals,Massage therapy treatment and cervical spondylosis prevention. The chapter ofintroduction to cervical spondylosis describes the definition of cervical spondylosis,pathogeny and corresponding pathogenesis as well as the clinical manifestations indetails. The chapter of treatment fundamentals introduces the necessary knowledge ofmeridians and collaterals, acupoints and basic therapeutic manipulations. The chapterof massage treatment comprehensively presents the cervical spondylosis treatmentusing Chinese massage therapy, and also the writers' opinions on misunderstandings oftreatments. The chapter of cervical spondylosis prevention discusses does and don'tsthat people need to know when taking care of their necks, how to do self massage andfunctional exercises for neck.
Thiook contains a goldmine of information, both its pictures and texts areexcellent, the techniques introduced in thiook are practical and described in details.
It is intended for clinic doctors, medical practitioners who do grass-root jobs,students who study in schools of Chinese Medicine, as well as for cervical spondylosispatients and their families.


Chapter 1 Introduction to cervical spondylosis.
Section 1 Definition and features
Section2 Pathogeny and pathological mechanisms.
Chronic injuries and degeneration
Acute injuries
Section3 Clinical manifestations
Stiff neck type of cervical spondylosis
Cervical spondylotic radiculopathy
Vertebral artery type of cervical spondylosis
Cervical spondylotic myelopathy
Sympathetic cervical spondylosis
Chapter2 Treatment fundamentals for cervical spondylosis
Sectionl Meridians and collaterals
Section2 Acupoints
Section3 Anatomy
Intervertebral foramen
Vertebral artery
Brachial plexus
Cervical spinal cord
Section4 Manipulations
Pushing manipulation with one-finger
Rolling manipulation
Kneading manipulation
Rubbing abdomen
Separate-pushing on forehead
Grasping manipulation
Lateral-palm percussing manipulation
Digital acupoint pressure
Fingertip percussing manipulation.
Wiping manipulation
Combing hair
Finger-twisting manipulation
To-and-fro rubbing manipulation
Stretching brachial plexus manipulation
Manipulation of pulling the rotated and localized neck
Manioulation of laterally pulling the neck
Manipulation of holding and stretching cervical spine.
Neck-rotating manipulation
Traction manipulation of the cervical spine
Chapter 3 Massage therapy treatment for cervical spondylosis
Sectionl Massage therapy treatment for cervical spondylosis
To loosen tendon using pressing and kneading
Digital pressing and kneading pain spots
Treatment according to the differentiation of cervical spondylosis
Pulling manipulation for restoring
Traction manipulation for decompressing
Rotating manipulation for improving rang of movement
Laterally pulling for improving rang of movement
Finishing manipulations.
Section 2 Misunderstanding of massage therapy treatment.
Performing massage therapy without clarifying a diagnosis
Misapplication of pulling manipulation
Violent Tuina
No considering about local anatomy
No mastery of indication of manipulations
Chapter 4 Cervical spondylosis prevention
Section 1 Dos and don'ts with neck
Choosing pillow carefully
Don't bend neck forward for too long
No exposure to cold
Avoiding dangerous working conditions
Neck care when using a computer
Section 2 Neck self massage
Squeezing and pressing muscles on both sides of nape Pressing and kneading muscles on both sides of nape with four fingers
Digital-pressing and kneading acupoints of occiput
Pinching and grasping shoulders
Gently patting nape and shoulders
Section3 Functional exercises for neck
Forward bending and backward bending
Laterally bending
Antagonistic training
Throwing chest

об авторе

Тан Сюэжан, мужчина, родился в 1963 году, главный врач.
