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Hainan English Guide 2020 New Edition Hainan Guide Guide Series Серия серии Rich Media Scanning Код прослушивание аудио exeman Emescination English Excament Subject Symation 29 Essence Attraction

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Module One  An Overview of Hainan1

1.  Basic Facts1

2.  History, Culture& Education4

3.  Economy, Transportation& Tourism Resources8

Module Two  The Must-Visit Scenic Areas14

Chapter One  Historical Human Landscapes in Hainan14

Scenic Area 1  Hai Rui Memorial Garden 18

Scenic Area 2  Five Officials Temple25

Scenic Area 3  Dongpo Academy32

Chapter Two  Religious and Cultural Landscapes in Hainan40

Scenic Area 4  Nanshan Buddhism Cultural Tourism Zone44

Scenic Area 5  Nanshan Dongtian Park55

Scenic Area 6  Mount Wenbi Pangu Cultural Tourism Area64

Scenic Area 7  Dongshan Ridge71

Chapter Three  Local Cultural Landscapes in Hainan78

Scenic Area 8  Areca Valley81

Scenic Area 9  Luhuitou Park88

Scenic Area 10  Fushan Coffee Culture and Romance Town96

Scenic Area 11  Qilou Old Street105

Chapter Four  Ocean& Island Landscapes in Hainan112

Scenic Area 12  Demarcation Island116

Scenic Area 13  West Island Marine Tourism Zone125

Scenic Area 14  Yalong Bay National Resort133

Scenic Area 15  Wuzhizhou Island141

Chapter Five  Tropical Rainforest Landscapes in Hainan149

Scenic Area 16  Yanoda Rainforest Cultural Tourism Zone153

Scenic Area 17  Jianfeng Ridge National Forest Park162

Scenic Area 18  Wuzhi Mountain Tropical Rainforest Scenic Area170

Scenic Area 19  Baihua Ridge Scenic Area178

Chapter Six  Animal and Plant Landscapes in Hainan185

Scenic Area 20  Nanwan Monkey Island189

Scenic Area 21  Xinglong Tropical Botanical Garden197

Scenic Area 22  Bawang Ridge National Forest Park205

Scenic Area 23  Datian Eld’s Deer Nature Reserve213

Scenic Area 24  Coconut Grand View Garden220

Chapter Seven  Landmark Landscapes in Hainan230

Scenic Area 25  TIANYA-HAIJIAO Scenic Area233

Scenic Area 26  The Site of Boao Forum for Asia240

Scenic Area 27  Haikou Mission Hills Resort247

Scenic Area 28  Mt. Ma’an Volcanic Crater Scenic Area254

Chapter Eight  Red Tourism Landscapes in Hainan261

Scenic Area 29  Memorial Garden of Murui Mountain Revolution Base 264

Module Three  Hainan Culture272

1.  Hainan Cuisine272

2.  Qiong Opera277

3.  Five Traditional Festivals in Hainan280

4.  International Conferences and Events Held in Hainan284


Module Four  Tour Guide’s Norm and Emergency Handling288

1.  40 Questions for Tour Guide’s Norm288

2.  40 Questions for Handling Emergency299
