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Глобальный энергетический интернет -исследовательский отчет об изменении климата

делать  Глобальная организация по развитию в области развития энергетики, Институт анализа международных приложений, Всемирная метеорологическая организация
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вне&Ensp; издание&Encp; Общество:Китайская электроэнергия
Дата публикации:01 декабря 2019 г.
Страница &Nbsp; номер:180
Пакет   кадр:Оплата в мягкой обложке
1 Introduction to Climate Change
1.1 The Science of Climate Change
1.1.1 Trend of Global Warming
1.1.2 The Carbon Cycle
1.2 Impacts of Climate Change
1.2.1 Impacts on Earth Systems
1.2.2 Impacts on Human Society
1.2.3 Impacts on Energy System
1.3 Climate Governance
1.3.1 Global Governance Platform
1.3.2 The Urgency of Emission Reduction
1.4 Energy Transition and Climate Change
1.4.1 The Trend of Global Energy Transition
1.4.2 Key Role of Energy Transition in Addressing Climate Change
2 Global Energy Interconnection for Addressing Climate Change
2.1 Basic Concept
2.2 Clean Development
2.3 GEI Backbone Grid
2.4 GEI for Addressing Climate Change
2.4.1 Mechanism
2.4.2 Driving Factors
2.4.3 Mitigation Framework
3 GEl Scenarios
3.1 Methodology and Models
3.1.1 Integrated Assessment Model
3.1.2 Energy System Model
3.1.3 Power System Model
3.1.4 Scenario Design
3.2 Emission Pathways of GEl Scenarios
3.2.1 Achieving the Goals of the Paris Agreement
3.2.2 Enhancing the NDCs
3.2.3 Promoting to Achieve Net Zero Emission
3.3 Energy Transition of GEl Scenarios
3.3.1 Energy Supply
3.3.2 Energy Demand
3.4 Power Systems of GEl Scenarios
3.4.1 Global Power Grids Interconnection
3.4.2 Power Generation
3.5 GEl Mitigation
3.5.1 Clean Replacement
3.5.2 Electricity Replacement
3.5.3 Power Grids Interconnection
3.6 Characteristics of GEl Scenarios
3.6.1 Reducing Mitigation Costs
3.6.2 Lowering Energy System Investment
3.6.3 Avoiding Climate Losses
3.6.4 Accelerating Clean Transition
3.6.5 Exploiting Potentials for Development
4 GEl Mitigation Technology Portfolio
4.1 Clean Replacement
4.1.1 Clean Energy Power Generation
4.1.2 Clean Energy Direct Utilization
4.2 Electricity Replacement
4.2.1 Electricity Replacement Technologies in Industrial Sector
4.2.2 Electricity Replacement Technologies in Transport Sector
4.2.3 Electricity Replacement Technologies in Building Sector
4.3 Interconnection
4.3.1 Key Technologies
4.3.2 Multi-Energy Complementation
4.4 Energy Efficiency and Carbon Removal Technology
4.4.1 Energy Efficiency Enhancement
4.4.2 Carbon Capture
4.4.3 Forest Carbon Sink
4.5 Energy Investment
5 GEl Regional Mitigation Scenarios
5.1 Asian Energy Interconnection Outlook
5.1.1 Challenges
5.1.2 Development Roadmap
5.1.3 Priorities
5.2 African Energy Interconnection Outlook
5.2.1 Challenges
5.2.2 Development Roadmap
5.2.3 Priorities
5.3 European Energy Interconnection Outlook
5.3.1 Challenges
5.3.2 Development Roadmap
5.3.3 Priorities
5.4 North American Energy Interconnection Outlook
5.4.1 Challenges
5.4.2 Development Roadmap
5.4.3 Priorities
5.5 Central and South American Energy Interconnection Outlook
5.5.1 Challenges
5.5.2 Development Roadmap
5.5.3 Priorities
5.60 ceanian Energy Interconnection Outlook
5.6.1 Challenges
5.6.2 Development Roadmap
5.6.3 Priorities
6 преимуществ геля 2 ℃/1,5 ℃ Сценарии
6.1 Economic and So Benefits
6.1.1 Economic Benefits
6.1.2 So Benefits
6.2 Climate, Environment and Health Benefits
6.2.1 Climate Benefits
6.2.2 Environmental Benefits
6.2.3 Health Benefits
6.3 Co-Benefits for Sustainable Development
7 Suggestions for Synergized Governance Between Energy and Climate Change
7.1 Integrated Policy Instruments for Facilitating the Clean Development
7.2 Mobilize Finan Resource through the Electricity-Carbon Market
7.3 Co-Development of"Electricity, Mining, Metallurgy, Manufacturing and Trade"
7.4 Enhance Climate Resilience through Universal Power Access
Приложение: гель 2 ℃/1,5 ℃ Сценарий
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The Report consists of seven chapters. Chapter 1 describes the scientific facts and impacts of climate change and analyzes its status quo and actions as well as the key role of energy transition in addressing it. Climate service for energy is needed to support the transition to clean energy. This chapter is jointly written by WMO and GEIDCO. Chapter 2 explains the framework and theory of GEI mitig......