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Подлинная бесплатная доставка пояс и одну дорогу: что вы приносите в мир после роста Китая (английская версия) = Инициатива для пояса и дороги 978751045555537

Цена: 579руб.    (¥32.2)
Артикул: 738694011155

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Название: Инициатива «Пояс и дорога»: что принести в мир после роста Китая (английская версия) = Инициатива «Пояс и дорога»

Цена: 68 юаней

Автор: Ван Ивэй

Пресса: New World Press

Дата публикации: 2017-08-01

ISBN: 9787510455537

Слова: 200000

Номер страницы: 214

Издание: 214


Открыто: 16

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Preface:The 21st Century Begins with the Belt and Road
Introduction:The Story of Marco Polo’s Chinese Dream
PARTI: The Belt and Road Initiative Will Transcend History
Chapter OneWhat Is the Belt and Road Initiative?
Chapter TwoWhy Build the Belt and Road?
Chapter Three Ancient Silk Road’s Innovative HeritageDrives the Belt and Road Initiative Development
Chapter Four The Belt and Road Initiative Will Transcendthe Marshall Plan
Chapter Five The Belt and Road Initiative and Other SilkRoad Revival Plans
Chapter SixFuture Responsibilities of the Belt and Road Initiative
PARTII: Opportunities for the World Offered by the Belt and Road Initiative
Chapter OneOpportunities for Regional Cooperatio
Chapter TwoOpportunity for Europe to Change the World
Chapter Three Opportunities for Global Development
PARTIII: Risks of the Belt and Road Initiative
Chapter OnePolitical Risks
Chapter TwoSecurity Risks
Chapter Three Economic Risks
Chapter Four Legal Risks
Chapter Five Moral Risks
PARTIV: Ways to Advance the Belt and Road Constructio
Chapter OneInnovation of Ideas under the New Normal
Chapter TwoInnovative Theories: Global Integratio
Chapter Three New Ways to Carry Out PragmaticCooperation
Conclusion:Improve the Belt and Road Narrative, and Offer International Public Goods

Appendix:Vision and Proposed Actions Outlined on Jointly Building Silk Road EconomicBelt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road

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