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Основная информация
наименование товара:Эротическое исследование исследования по границе книги: дискурсформат:16
Автор:Жанковский и другие редакторыЦены:55.00
Номер ISBN:9787544637404Опубликованная дата:2014-07-01
Издательство:Шанхайский образовательный прессВремя печати:2014-07-01
Preface to the series
Discursive pragmatics: A platform for the pragmatic study of discourse
  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
   2.1 Attitude - the activation of positive or negative positioning
    2.1.1 Affect
    2.1.2 Judgement 1
    2.1.3 Appreciation
    2.1.4 Modes of activation - direct and implied
    2.1.5 Typological criteria
    2.1.6 The interplay between the attitudinal modes
   2.2 Intersubjective stance
  3. Attitudinal assessment - a brief outline
   3.1 Affect
   3.2 Judgement
   3.3 Appreciation
  4. Engagement: An overview
   4.1 Dialogic contraction and expansion
   4.2 Further resources of dialogic expansion
    4.2.1 Acknowledge
    4.2.2 Entertain
   4.3 Further resources of dialogic contraction
    4.3.1 Pronounce
    4.3.2 Concur
    4.3.3 Disclaim (Deny and Counter)
    4.3.4 Disclaim: Deny (negation)
    4.3.5 Disclaim: Counter
   4.4 Engagement resources - summary
  5. Conclusion
Cohesion and coherence
  1. Introduction
  2. Focus on form: Cohesion
  3. Cohesion as a condition for coherence
  4. Focus on meaning: Connectivity
  5. Semantic connectivity as a condition for coherence
  6. Coherence: A general view
  7. A hermeneutic, context and interpretation based view of coherence
  8. Coherence as a default assumption
  9. Perspectives
Critical Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis
  1. Definitions
  2. Historical note
  3. Principles of CL
  4. Trends
   4.1  Social Semiotics
   4.2 'Orders of discourse' and Foucauldian poststructuralism
   4.3  The socio-cognitive model
   4.4 Discourse-Historical approach
   4.5 Lexicometry
   4.6 "Lesarten" approach
  5. Conclusion
énonciation: French pragmatic approach(es)
  1. Introduction
  2. Historical overview - from the pre-theoretical to the present phase
   2.1 Origins and the pre-theoretical phase
   2.2 First phase: Forerunners
    2.2.1 Charles Bally (1865-1947)
    2.2.2 Gustave Guillaume (1883-1960)
   2.3 Second phase: Main theoretical foundation
    2.3.1 Emile Benveniste (1902-1976) 81
Figures of Speech
Pragmatic markers
Public discourse
Text and discourse linguistics
Text linguistics

    и слова: методы французского обучения.
